Sunday, October 20, 2024

Pumpkin Time...

 My daughter has these boo letters now. I have given away most of my decorations.  Just not into doing holiday stuff as much as seasonal decor.  So my flower pots have a bit of Fall things for now. 
 I do like looking at all the pretty autumn decorations. Believe me big spooky Halloween stuff isn't what I want. Hopefully those that do that take it down as soon as Halloween is past. LOL  I can't even write that without thinking of a place is the wee town north of here. There was a corner house that did big spooky stuff and left it up till Christmas and sometimes even later.

    I had myself a busy Summer and Fall. Keeping the inside and outside of a home in good shape isn't easy for me any more.  Hoping I do not have to mow again. It will be raking time soon. I whacked weeds, mowed every week or ten days. Mulched and painted . Planted flowers, sprayed weeds and outside foundation for bug control ( I do that every season).

  For fun I go to bingo, lunches, and music group. Joined the American Legion women's  auxilary this summer. Then started selling pies to raise money to help Vets . Will be helping bag candy for trick or treating kids, for the group too. Thankfully, I get to have time with my daughters and family also. 

  You are all in my prayers. To be safe and healthy. XO


  1. Sounds like you’re doing well.

    1. Debby, I sure as trying. I know Ted would want be to be happy as well as my children, some days are tougher than others. Praying all the time my friend. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Jan, Wishing you well. Let's enjoy these pretty fall days. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. Lovely to hear from you, again. Enjoy your Fall season.

    1. Oh yes dear friend, I am trying to glean joy each day...I have a few crying times. Then I pray for strength. Bless you, xoxo, Susie

  4. I love the flowers and pumpkins you have pictured there. I'm not into the scary stuff either. I enjoy the pumpkins the kids carve and decorate. I'm glad you are getting plenty of family time. I know it means a lot to me too. I'm too old and creaky to do much voluntering any more. Even when it comes to baby sitting, I'm not sure if I'm watching my grandson when they go away and leave us, or if he is watching over me. Enjoy pumpkin season from now until Thanksgiving !

    1. Thank you sweet Ma. Oh I often tell my young neighbors, I am here if they need someone in a pinch. I see my daughter wore to a frazzle after watching her grandson. Haha. I love that your grandson watches over you while you are watching him. God is so good. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
