Saturday, February 15, 2025

Time Slipping By.....

 I always want to see full moons. I try to get photos of them. This is one of my favorites because it's over a very big cattle farm east of here, and I love the white fencing.
Here's another on a cold dark night.
 Here you can see it's a cold day. I can not recall if it was morning or going on evening time.
 My friends, this is what I am longing to see . I tried to get our latest moon shot and it was so cold and icy, I did not dare go out for pictures. Our weather has been a bit of everything. Seeing the sun helps my spirits so much.  We are in for a week of single digit days. I think of so many of you and hope you are warm and well. 

  That's another thing, so many people have been coughing. Come on grown ups, cover when coughing.   Children know to cough into the inside area of their elbows or pull the neck of their shirt to cover their mouths. I always nod at those I see doing that. 

 I am still going to bingo with friends. I love when I get time with my daughters and their families. My friends and I are going to music group once a week. Listening to people singing and playing instruments is so good for our souls. It's mostly country music, some rock, and Gospel.

 I am asking all you to be safe and take care of each other. Blessings to all, xoxo.




  1. Good to hear from you. We are all waiting for Spring ! It is my favorite season of all. We've had a few days of what they are calling fall spring, with warmer temps but then it gets very cold again. Today we may see 70 degrees. It will be so nice to be warm for even a short while. The full moon pictures are beautiful. I always like them too. I think about all of those far away seeing the same moon I see, makes me feel closer to them.

    1. I love what you said about knowing others far away see the moon you see. Some times I call my daughters and tell them to look at the moon. LOL The weather reports today look scary for many places. Be safe. Bless you, xoxo, Susie

  2. That was supposed to say, false spring. Oh dear.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Sandi, It was full this past week but so cold I could not get my camera to focus at the window. Brr . Enjoy your weekend . Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. Such lovely pictures of the moon! It’s good to read this post from you, Susie. Yes, we need to be sure we are taking care of one another!-xoxo

    1. Hi Nellie, I have had you on my mind since the terrible rains and floods. Pray all is well there. We are having super cold days for this week but honestly it started last week . Stay warm and safe my friend. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  5. Oh Susie ~ How tickled I was to see you on my sidebar. So love hearing from you. Glad you are still getting out to play bingo, and the music is good for the soul. Your moon shots are so lovely. When we get a full moon, I can see it from my bedroom window when I'm laying in bed. It's so amazing to see the moon and like someone said...we see the same moon and feel closer. When one of my gransons was just a little tyke, he was in my lap and the CD of Rod Stewart singing "I'll be looking at the moon, but I'll be seeing you"...I sang it to little Jon Jon, and he smiled and said, Do it again grandma. What a sweet memory...He just turned 24.
    Sending lots of hugs and kisses.

    1. Wanda, That makes me smile reading about your grandson. Wow they grow up too fast for us grandmas. I often think about my Emma who will be 21 this year. I hope she recalls the many crafts and outings we shared when she was"our girl". Blessings to you and yours, xoxo, Susie

  6. WE love it when we see this alert. I love the top shot thru the tree! I think that is special, I was just drawn to it. Been many years since we were in one digit days or nights. Stay warm.
    My Sherry was close to her mama. She always wanted a daughter to share life with but it didn't happen, but that ONE grand daughter helped. I can remember that attachment of Sherry & her mama. You have something special, that is good!
    Love from a warm Florida.

    1. Thank you Jack. Give Sherry a big hug from me. I miss my mom still and it's been many years since I had a hug from her. Lots of Nascar news lately made me recall all the Daytona races I went to before retiring. I love the smell of burning rubber on asphalt. I use to tell Ted it was better than perfume. LOL Hold each other tight. Love you guys, Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  7. This was such a lovely post Susie...When I see a full moon, I will text the children to go outside and look are staying busy and enjoying pleasant hearing that....

    1. Oh I love that I am not the only mommy to tell her children to look at the moon. That makes me smile. Yes, three lady friends and I have been doing fun things. My brother calls us the Dalton Gang.:):) Blessings sweet friend, xoxo, Susie

  8. I more or less lay as low as possible during Covid and Flu season. I don't need to add that to the mix! You stay healthy too -- looks like you are doing all the right things!

    1. Hi Jeanie, I know you have had tough weather in your state too. This week is very cold. 40 degrees is going to be a heat wave when it happens. I have been in decent health and pray I can stay that way. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo, Susie

  9. Beautiful moon shots. On full moon days driving into work, it always follows me...or I follow it. Am always able to see it setting most mornings. We are in for single digits too. UGH Janice

    1. Janice, You saying the moon follows you...took me back to being about 8 and I told my sister the moon was mine cause it went with me as I walked down the alley. Stay warm. Won't it be great to not have to wear two or three layers of clothes to be warm. LOL Blessings dear friend, xoxo, Susie

  10. Love visiting with you here, Susie!
    Louis Dean and I watched another of the John Wayne movies you sent us tonight. We are longing for warmer weather - mainly so Louis Dean can outside and play! Life is easier when he can do that!!
    Glad you didn't go out in the icy weather. I fall can change everything! Love you, our dear Susie Q!

    1. Linda, It makes me feel happy to hear you are watching some of the movies I sent. Oh I know what you mean about going out side. I hate when I can get out. I did sweep the snow off the front deck today. My neighbor had shoveled my walkway up front. So kind of him. I just usually do the porch to get the mail.I am blessed with good health and can get around well, so I do not chance falling to ruin myself. Stay warm and hold each other tight. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie
      p.s. Your story squeezes my heart.

  11. Lovely to see a post from you. Hope spring comes soon!

    1. Oh sweet girl, I am wanting even 40 degrees. This weekend coming is to be above freezing and next week some 40 degree days. Hooray !! Keep warm. Blessings to all,xoxo, Susie

  12. Got a couple more days and we warm up again. Glad to see you are getting out some. I have not been out since Oct. The sun makes things better for me, too.
