Saturday, February 15, 2025

Time Slipping By.....

 I always want to see full moons. I try to get photos of them. This is one of my favorites because it's over a very big cattle farm east of here, and I love the white fencing.
Here's another on a cold dark night.
 Here you can see it's a cold day. I can not recall if it was morning or going on evening time.
 My friends, this is what I am longing to see . I tried to get our latest moon shot and it was so cold and icy, I did not dare go out for pictures. Our weather has been a bit of everything. Seeing the sun helps my spirits so much.  We are in for a week of single digit days. I think of so many of you and hope you are warm and well. 

  That's another thing, so many people have been coughing. Come on grown ups, cover when coughing.   Children know to cough into the inside area of their elbows or pull the neck of their shirt to cover their mouths. I always nod at those I see doing that. 

 I am still going to bingo with friends. I love when I get time with my daughters and their families. My friends and I are going to music group once a week. Listening to people singing and playing instruments is so good for our souls. It's mostly country music, some rock, and Gospel.

 I am asking all you to be safe and take care of each other. Blessings to all, xoxo.



Thursday, November 21, 2024

That Time of Year....

The city park is decorated for the holidays. People in town donated most of the decorations. I gave a plastic snowman to my granddaughter.
I like seeing the green boughs and red bows on this white fencing. Today we got our first snow of this year. I don't mind saying, I am already over it.  LOL   Just do not enjoy he cold and the short days can be depressing. To much time inside. 
 I've been wondering where this little Christmas truck piece could be packed, but I won't look for it. I just can not seem to want to decorate for myself. I'll just try to enjoy everyone else's.

   I think my daughter Liz, is having Christmas at her house this year. I do know Angie ,is hosting Thanksgiving.  I also know what kinds of pies will be served , as I sold them pies, through the American Legion. It was to help raise money for the veterans. I like helping the vets. 

    I am wishing all of you wonderful holidays filled with family time and lots of love. Go to your family gathering and let go of any old grudges or arguments.... life is short and those type of issues just weigh you down. So please enjoy life.XO

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Pumpkin Time...

 My daughter has these boo letters now. I have given away most of my decorations.  Just not into doing holiday stuff as much as seasonal decor.  So my flower pots have a bit of Fall things for now. 
 I do like looking at all the pretty autumn decorations. Believe me big spooky Halloween stuff isn't what I want. Hopefully those that do that take it down as soon as Halloween is past. LOL  I can't even write that without thinking of a place is the wee town north of here. There was a corner house that did big spooky stuff and left it up till Christmas and sometimes even later.

    I had myself a busy Summer and Fall. Keeping the inside and outside of a home in good shape isn't easy for me any more.  Hoping I do not have to mow again. It will be raking time soon. I whacked weeds, mowed every week or ten days. Mulched and painted . Planted flowers, sprayed weeds and outside foundation for bug control ( I do that every season).

  For fun I go to bingo, lunches, and music group. Joined the American Legion women's  auxilary this summer. Then started selling pies to raise money to help Vets . Will be helping bag candy for trick or treating kids, for the group too. Thankfully, I get to have time with my daughters and family also. 

  You are all in my prayers. To be safe and healthy. XO

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Summer Seems To Be Closing .....

 Have seen many pretty sunsets.  Have to drive out to the country. Living in a neighborhood you do not see the sun set. Too many home , trees and buildings block the view.

 My old classmates and I still have brunch gatherings once a month. Sometimes there's big groups and at times much smaller ones. I have noticed through the years the conversations have changed from new grandkids, family trips and vacations to aches , pains , and dr. appointments. My gosh we are boring. But the laughs certainly make up for that.

  I have been going with my friends to listen to music at a couple of places, close to our town. It is fun and good for our spirits. We all make dishes to take as there's a pitch in dinner during music breaks.  Always bowls of popcorn for those that like it during music. I give my friends a hard time about salt. :( They need to watch that. Funny how some oldsters are much like kids. LOL

  I hope and pray all of you are doing well. Our summer is going quickly and heating things up too. We are in for a week of 90's. But I know that's cool compared to some of the three digit stuff many of you have had so far. Drink your water , sit in the shade, and enjoy everyday. XO

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sweet Summertime....

 Beautiful puffy white clouds in a sky of blue. That is summer to me. We are getting ready for the first day of the summer season  and have had some 80 and 90 degree days. Hoping that doesn't mean the dog days of summer will be even hotter.  The big rains and these hot days have really made the crops grow around here.
I like to take a few short drives on nice days and think about my life. I have been joining a couple ladies who have lost their husbands the past year. I grew up in the same neighborhood with Pat and Rita. They are sisters. We go to the American Legion to play bingo, where the prize is money.  And  4-H bingo, where the prizes are decorating things, and cleaning products.  We also go to a community center to listen to a group of  fellows play music. I  have truly enjoyed that. Of course it takes me back in time to when my parents listened to country music.  I was amazed I even knew the words to most of those old songs.  I know my parents would be laughing , because my siblings and I wanted to listen to Rock and Roll  all the time.
 I have done a lot of yard work. Doing the mulching with bags, that are 33% larger than normal...and wet, because the hardware store has it stacked outside, is very hard work. I don't mind telling you , I do not have the strength I need. So if is a struggle to get the mulch to the right spots.  I won't tackle that job again. 

   I think of so many of you. You are in my daily prayers, to have good health and be safe. I am going to ask a favor of you. Please tell your loved ones , you love them. Hold them close. Get videos and voice recordings. Life is short...spread love and kindness. XO

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Spring Is Here....

 My pictures are from the past. Spring supplies and decor from Horton's in town. I have some fake tulips I keep out all year round in my house. I just move them here and there. 
Butterflies are not real here, but I love them. I am ready to spot real ones. I will see if my daughter will take me to the butterfly building at a little petting zoo near her.
 It's March and already half gone. This little beauty , granddaughter Savannah, was born in March and will be twenty two years old. I remember the day she was born, we had a bad snow and saw cars off the road on our way to the hospital. Time has gone so quickly. She has grown and has her own place now. My daughter has that empty nest heartache. We want our children to grow up and get their own lives, but the big quiet in your house makes for a longing to wish our children small once more. 

    I have been doing a few news things going to bingo with friends. Union lunches. Promised a friend I would go listen to some oldsters play music one day. I find I am not good at sitting still at times. LOL  Oh it's almost yard season. Planting flowers, spraying bug spray around the outside and good ole mowing. Plus I will stain the deck this year. Do you think retirement sounds somewhat like working ?

   Take care all of you. Stay safe, XO

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Spring Is Near....

 Our weather has been so high , 67 degrees, and then back down to freezing, in the same week's span. There's starts of green growth coming up and it's still February. Got my taxes done  this past week. Actually will get a few dollars back from State. That's like hitting the lottery. :):)
 A full moon too. Well totally full this evening. I've been loving the sunny days. Never go anywhere at night anymore.  It's rare if I do.
  Caught a sunset on a late drive. But was back home before dark. Not much going on at this time.  Tomorrow will be my first great grandchild's birthday.  She has some fancy cookies for her classmates to help celebrate. Layla is one of those children that seem old before their time. I always say, she is an old lady in a kid suit. I think I was one of those myself.

    My son in law just spent 4 days in the hospital with pneumonia. He just had it two weeks ago, but he needed a longer dosage of antibiotics, ran out and had a set back. Oh that worries me. I have four daughters and their husbands are my boys. Love them all.

   This is a short and boring post, thought I better do one so you know I am still around. Take good care of each other and hold your loved ones close. And "come on springtime!" XO