Saturday, March 10, 2012

Selling Their Home...

My daughter Angie and s-i-l Mark sold their home. Jake is turning 21 , in two  weeks. The girls have flown the nest. So they do not need such a big house, four bedrooms and 4 baths,to heat and cool, anymore. They are renting while they build a smaller home. But I have such great memories , of times in their home, it's hard for me to see them move. I can't put Jake in his little  swing, tell him to shake his red curls back, while I fly him to the moon. That's one of my favorite memories. Sierra, Jake, and I would rake leaves and they would jump in them. :):) Margo and Sierra putting on plays.The cookouts, crafting, playing ball, little swimming pools, making snowmen, lemonade stands. It's the fun memories, not the house. But I feel kind of sad.


  1. I don't blame you. Houses hold lots of good memories. I'm sure you'll make more great memories in the new house and they won't have the burden of the big, old one!

  2. It is kind of bittersweet, isn't it? My daughter and family are going to move this summer, too. There were so many wonderful memories created at her place and I know that I will miss it.

    God bless them as they make the move- and God soothe your heart. xo Diana

  3. Changes are often difficult for us. I hope that you find peace in the joys of memories.

