Sunday, August 12, 2012


 There must have been a poker run somewhere near . I took a walk yesterday with my sisters to our park. On our way  many , many motorcycles came through . It was loud, let me tell you. Usually they do what is called a poker run to raise funds for someone in need. I know there was one last year for my daughter, when she was having chemo. It is a wonderful thing that these people do . xo


  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

    I am your newest follower.

  2. That is a nice thing..We have some similar to that in our area...Thanks for the sweet comments on mine.. So glad we have the same memories..Blessings

  3. Those rough and tough bikers sure do have soft hearts!

    And yes, the weather yesterday was absolutely perfect.

    Cindy Bee

  4. What a heartwarming thing they did for your daughter. We were visiting a shope on the Main St. of a small town yesterday when a group of motorcycles passed. My hubby has new hearing aids, and the noise scared him!!!!!

  5. We see those all the time, too. I don't even mind the loud pipes. My kids used to ride (well so did hubby and I years ago) and I am a firm believer that loud pipes save lives. Motorists just don't see cyclists a lot of the time- xo Diana

  6. I know that they have groups like this around here that are doing run's for charity. I just wish they could quite them down a bit.

  7. Hi Susie! Oh, this is a wonderful thing for this group to do. I'm sure you really appreciated what they did for your daughter.
    Thanks so much for popping in to see me and come back any time.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  8. IT is so nice when people do things for others...

  9. This is a nice thing to do to raise funds for someone in need. I hope your daughter is doing well!

  10. It is always good to hear about people helping others.
