Friday, August 31, 2012


 This is the sculpter left from the 9/11 is different than when it was at the twin towers. The people of NYC wanted to keep it as it is now.
 Ted is standing in front of a little fire station . It was a block from our hotel. Our guide told us that every firefighter from this station died in the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers. These plaques are in their memory.
This fire station was amoung the first responders. Sad day for NYC and for America. xo


  1. Every one of them a hero.

  2. So sad. Those firemen had no idea what was to happen and they didn't think twice. Heros for sure.

  3. That just breaks my heart every time I think about that. Amazing sculpture! Blessings- xo Diana

  4. I agree with Beth, they were all heroes. I haven't been there since the year following the attack, and it looks quite different now. Thank you for sharing these, it is a good reminder of those who perished.

  5. It is so raw to this day. Each time it brings you back to that day and the grief of that day is the grief of every day that you remember. So glad you shared this.. Hugs, Cindy

  6. every member died? that is so sad, bless them and their families. we will never forget!

    hugs, bee

  7. So sad. Hardly any words can say how we all feel about that day. I'll never forget it.

    Cindy Bee
