Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sweet Summertime....

 Beautiful puffy white clouds in a sky of blue. That is summer to me. We are getting ready for the first day of the summer season  and have had some 80 and 90 degree days. Hoping that doesn't mean the dog days of summer will be even hotter.  The big rains and these hot days have really made the crops grow around here.
I like to take a few short drives on nice days and think about my life. I have been joining a couple ladies who have lost their husbands the past year. I grew up in the same neighborhood with Pat and Rita. They are sisters. We go to the American Legion to play bingo, where the prize is money.  And  4-H bingo, where the prizes are decorating things, and cleaning products.  We also go to a community center to listen to a group of  fellows play music. I  have truly enjoyed that. Of course it takes me back in time to when my parents listened to country music.  I was amazed I even knew the words to most of those old songs.  I know my parents would be laughing , because my siblings and I wanted to listen to Rock and Roll  all the time.
 I have done a lot of yard work. Doing the mulching with bags, that are 33% larger than normal...and wet, because the hardware store has it stacked outside, is very hard work. I don't mind telling you , I do not have the strength I need. So if is a struggle to get the mulch to the right spots.  I won't tackle that job again. 

   I think of so many of you. You are in my daily prayers, to have good health and be safe. I am going to ask a favor of you. Please tell your loved ones , you love them. Hold them close. Get videos and voice recordings. Life is short...spread love and kindness. XO