Monday Ted went to clinic with his brother Mic. They were gone a long time getting home at about 3:30, The drs. gave Ted two liters of fluids while he was at the clinic and did their assessment. When he came in the house I looked at him and knew he had a fever. I was not happy. How could they send him home like that ,after laughing at the list I had made of how many times I had taken his temperature. So I just kept ice packs on him and cold drinks and cool cloths. Gave him Tylenol. Check his temps thru the night.

Tuesday at 3:30 in the morning, his temp was 102. 4...I told him get your shoes on we are going to the hospital. Oh I have not driven after dark for some time...still waiting to get cataract surgery...I got us to to Tipton's I.U.Health. They took Ted vitals. Ordered Tylenol. took blood and urine, and a chest x-ray. The E.R. dr says he has pneumonia. She orders antibiotics. I tell her you can not give those to him without checking with his bone marrow drs. So she calls them and gets them to approve.
I drive us back home , which really was tough, because people were heading to work and their lights were blinding for me. Ted did well for about 3 hours and then he's got the fever again. I call the bone marrow clinic and they say come in on Thursday . I can't seem to get his fever down as fast as before, so I call them back. They tell us to come on Wednesday. In the mean time, I cancel all my own procedures ., that I had scheduled for Wednesday.
Ted 's golf friend takes him down to clinic in Indy...while I dip all the water out of my washing machine , which seems to have conked out. I truly am about to have myself committed. If you knew all the things that have broken and been replaced since Ted's diagnoses you would understand why.
When Ted gets to clinic he has a fever, so now they know !!! They admit him to the 4th floor bone marrow unit of the Franciscan hospital. Too doors down from the room Ted received his transplant in. Today they did a test on his bronchial tubes. The dr calls me and says they are keeping him a couple days more to see if any bacteria comes out of his lungs.
My granddaughter's job took her to Indy today and she went to see papaw Ted. He was doing well. Getting IV's. I have talked with him on the phone. Told him about the new washer I bought today. Ha.
I am asking my blog family once again for your prayers. We need them so much at this time. Please. I will forever be grateful. XO