On Friday the 8th , Ted seemed to be getting a cold...yes, on top of his pneumonia. His eye was watering and his nose dripping. I used warm damp compresses on his eye and gave him tylenols, and used eye drops. I asked if he needed to go to ER. He said no. (Always says no) Saturday Angie picked up his meds at the CVS and she asked, " don't you think you need to go to ER? " Ted said no again. Pretty much the same thing on Sunday, only now he was not wanting to eat much. So I tell him, you are going to ER or you are seeing the dr. tomorrow. So he says he will call the dr on Monday.
We call and they make a virtual appt for this morning. But yesterday I saw some rash on Ted's forehead and some blisters, so I tell him I think he has shingles. I look some things up on line and then I know he has shingles. I tell him we need to call the bone marrow clinic. They returned our call and told Ted to get to ER.
I called my daughter Angie and she comes to take Ted to ER. Tells me to stay home I can't go as they will not let me in the hospital . I tell her, I have to put my coat on to help you get Ted in the car, he is a weak person right now. Sure enough, his legs about folded when he was getting in her car.
Later, I call the hospital, they say Ted may go to Indianapolis , so an eye specialist can check his left eye as they think the shingles are in his eye. I wait for calls. I call the hospital. They say Ted has been taken to Indy. I get no calls from either hospital. So this morning I call Ted. He is going thru tests and would call me back. No calls. You can't go to the hospital , you will not get any calls from the hospital staff, I am angry. Why? Just one staffer could give a short call. So when they ask for a review, I plan on giving them one. I try to be kind and nice and understanding....but I am ready to snap.
All I know is Ted has shingles, I diagnosed that myself. One dr said he was low on sodium and was drinking too much water, after Ted told him he drank 3 -16 ounce bottles of water a day and a coffee. Now I say pneumonia needs lots of liquids, plus the steroids, he had for helping take care of pneumonia, helped bring on the shingles. What do we do?
So today, Ted is in the Indy hospital, going thru tests and treatments. I do not know when he will be released. to come home , or how long he will be there. You would think for what it cost to go to the hospital a person would be entitled to a bit of information. Sorry I just have to vent.
Please send up some prayers for Ted. Thank you so much. XO