Wednesday, February 10, 2021

It Sure Is Winter ....

 The weather here has been truly every kind of winter condition. Snow, ice, sleet, and plenty of wind.  Cold freezing temperature also.  Just when I was hoping for an early spring .

  This is just one of the snows . It has snowed more and more coming. That arctic cold is coming our way also. Kind of hard to stay warm at times. 

   I will give you an up date on Ted. He is still at his son's house. Going to doctors  and having Physical Therapy.  He saw the eye specialist on Monday and was taken off some of the meds and the eye drops were lowered.  The shingles in his eye make him have really bad pain at times. He has found that ice packs help with that somewhat .  A couple of Tylenols also.

   He has been getting some PT and says it wears him out but makes him feel he is doing something to get better. We get to talk and text all we want, or  as much as he can do . Today Ted goes to the pulmonologist. This will be an important appointment.  We need to know more.  Ted is still on the nebulizer and the oxygen. His oxygen level is lower, which is promising.  

   My children and grands have been helping me .  I am so grateful for my family and friends.  I want to ask you, my blog family , to keep Ted in your prayers. We are so very thankful for the good wishes and prayers.  You are in ours. Be safe. XO


  1. I'm sending prayers for you and Ted. It's good that your family is there to help you. What would we do without our kids? I'm so thankful for mine. You have a good day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Thank you Edna. Yes, family is so important all our lives. That is why this pandemic totally stinks, can't hug our children and grandkids. I have always told my daughter they were my very best gift in life. Hope you got plowed out. I have been checking out battery powered snow shovels. LOL Blessings to you, stay safe and warm. xoxo, Susie

  2. Will continue to pray and hope he continues to get better every day and will soon be coming home. It's definitely in an arctic freeze here and I'm just staying in and keeping warm. Glad you have some help there. Friends and family are the best !

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers, I am grateful. Family and friends are true blessings. They have helped Ted and I so much these past going on 3 years now. Blessings, keep warm, xoxo, Susie

  3. Dear very awful to be in so much many appointments too...I hope it helps knowing many are sending you good thoughts and lifting your spirits up in prayer.

    1. Thank you Betsy. It does indeed give me great hope with everyone's good wishes and prayers. I know that God hears them. Stay safe. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. I will absolutely keep the prayers coming. It's good to hear that Ted is getting good care and they are helping him move forward.
    Yes, family is so important. I'm glad you have wonderful support. That's healing for you too.

    1. Thank you Sue. All the prayers are so helpful. Ted is a fighter and give his all. But I know pain is a life stealer...can dampen good spirits. So I encourage Ted every day. Blessings to you, keep safe. xoxo, Susie

  5. Definitely I will keep Ted in my prayers, and your family. I am about to go to Mass and will light a candle there for him.

    1. Thank you so very much. I am grateful for your prayers. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  6. This must be so hard for you both. I pray Ted will continually see progress towards good health and the two of you can be together again. So thankful that your family is close and can important!!
    Snow and cold in PA too. Wishing for spring ☺ Sending love and hugs your way, dear Susie! ♥♥

    1. Thank you so much Doris. I appreciate all prayers and good wishes. They truly help our spirits. I know God hears those prayers too. I am blessed with a loving family. Blessing to you and your family, xoxo, Susie

  7. Dear Sweet Susie. You have so much to deal with and you and Ted will be in my prayers. Matthew tells us every day we will have trouble, but Lamentations, tells us His mercies are new every morning. I pray that you will feel His mercies every morning as you face the difficulties of the day. So glad you get to visit with your darling. Love and Hugs

    1. Thank you so much Wanda. I do pray that God will bless Ted with his loving mercy and healing powers. With others praying for us, I know that will help us . Ted is always happy when I read my comments to him. Blessings to you and your Don, xoxo,love you, Susie

  8. Prayers are being sent from Pennsylvania, my friend. For health and peace and thankfulness for family. Hugs!

    1. Thank you Billie Jo. I am forever grateful for my blood family and my blog family. All good blessings for us. I hope all is well for you and yours, blessings, xoxo, Susie

  9. Keeping him in prayer.

    My husband had shingles a few years back. Not fun!

    1. Sandi, My sister had then for well into a year. But all that time I had never looked at I looked on line to see if that was what Ted had and oh my yes, it certainly was. I am praying his do not last much longer. Thank you for the prayers. Bless you, xoxo, Susie

  10. Keeping you both in my prayers. Hope things will continue to improve. Glad to hear that your family and friends are there to help you during this time. Stay warm!

    1. Thank you for the prayers. Yes, family has stepped up to help us and I am so grateful. With all this bad weather, I would be having a hard time getting Ted to appointments. Blessings to you. xoxo, Susie

  11. Oh my, is the Shingles actually in his eyeball? Please let us know how this appointment went, I am glad for the update!

    1. Yes Ginny, the eye specialist said it was and might take some time to heal. I pray it isn't much longer . He did get some meds reduced. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  12. You are both in my thoughts. I am hoping for better days for both of you. It has been a long haul. We have had snow every three days this week and it will continue at least two more times. Cold too..
    It’s just the middle of February so I guess we have a ways to go. Stay warm and safe. Hugs

    1. Thank you Missy. I keep thinking how close spring really is and am getting excited...but it surely can not snow everyone of those days , can it? We have had bad weather for well over a week. Yes, this cold is the worse. I am not a fan of cold weather...ever. LOL.
      Ted and I know our lives are forever changed, so we have to work together . Blessings, keep safe. xoxo, Susie

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Terri. I am grateful for your prayers. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo, Susie

  14. Thank you Laurie. I appreciate your kind prayers and words. Stay warm and safe. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  15. I've been praying for Ted each morning!!
    It just keeps snowing here. Some time during every day it snows and has been doing that for weeks!! I like the snow though.

    1. Oh my, I would not like snow every day. LOL Thank you so much for the prayers. We are grateful. Blessings to you and your husband, xoxo, Susie

  16. Prayers for Ted, I cannot imagine the pain shingles in the eye! OUCH.

    Sending love and the best of wishes your way for a complete turnaround and some nicer weather.
    Love sent from NC
    Sherry & jack

    1. Thank you Jack and Sherry. The prayers are so kind and helpful. Ted is still suffering with his eye. I do not know when it will heal, hopefully soon. Oh boy some warm days would be wonderful. Blessings to you, take care of each other. xoxo, Susie

  17. Praying for Ted, Susie. I just can’t imagine the uncomfortable effect of shingles in one’s eye! Praying for you, too! Stay warm! Xoxo

    1. Thank you Nellie. I so appreciate all the prayers. Yes, Ted is still hurting with that eye. I told him to put an eye patch on and he can rest it more that way. Please be safe in this weather. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  18. I hope Ted's appointment with the pulmonologist went well today. Praying, praying, praying for you and for Ted. You're both on my daily prayer list and sending love.

    1. Thank you Carol, your kind words and prayers mean so much to us. The pulmonologist will be calling with her diagnosis tomorrow. Hopefully it isn't as scary as one said. Stay warm and safe . Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  19. We love you both and pray breaks our hearts you two are having to go through this. Hang on and be strong. So many people love and pray for y'all......

    1. Thank you Linda and LD. Your prayers are so helpful to us. We are in great need of God's mercy. I pray for it each day. Ted will know more tomorrow and next week . He sees his bone marrow doctors then. We know they are very good. Stay safe there. Blessings to all of you, love you guys, Susie

  20. Replies
    1. Thank you Brenda. Your prayers are very welcomed here. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo, Susie

  21. Ted (and you) are always in my prayers. I hope the pulmo appointment yields some answers. Please be careful in that dreaded polar vortex we are experiencing. Sending love.

    1. Thank you Jeanie. Your kind words and prayers mean so much to us. Oh I am so ready for spring, aren't you? Blessings to you and Rick. xoxo, Susie

  22. Thank you for the update and I will keep Ted and YOU in my prayers. Prayers are keeping me going during my Sister's illness. She just isn't getting any better but thankfully not getting any worse. Enjoy your day dear friend, stay warm and safe! HUGS!

    1. Theresa, So sorry to hear that about your sister. I will pray for all of you. I told my sister today, a prayer is a wonderful gift to give each other. I truly thank you for the kind prayers. Blessings to you. Stay safe and warm. xoxo, Susie

  23. Hi, It sure is winter here, 13 below Zero this Morning, Just had my 2nd Covid shot. Taking it easy and staying inside, Keeping you and Ted in my Prayers !

    1. Thank you so much. Glad you got the shots and can stay in. Too nasty at those temps to be outside. Too dangerous too. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  24. Yes - snow here in Oregon too - but I am enjoying it...stay warm and cozy ♥

    1. Thank you Carrie. I just do not like snow. Too old to move now. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  25. Susie, you are both in my prayers. Life is so tough for you but you always have an air of positivity and hope. xx

    1. Hi Rain, I am so late replying. I try to pray to God every morning and ask for his loving mercy. I pray for strength also. This seems to be our toughest round. Thanks for the kind prayers . Blessings, stay warm girl. xoxo, Susie

  26. Praying for you and Ted. You both deserve a really, really good day. God bless you.

    1. Thank you Connie. I am so so to much craziness . Ted is still at his Son's. He seems to be gaining some strength. Blessings to you dear friend, stay safe. xoxo,love, Susie

  27. Will continue to keep Ted in my prayers and I am thankful that you have such wonderful family to help you. Nothing like family. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Thank you Cindy. Your prayers mean so much to us. I truly believe there's great power in them. Stay warm and safe. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  28. Glad to hear Ted is doing better. I know this is so hard on all of you. I am keeping you in my prayers that things will continue to get better for him. Shingles can be so painful and especially in his eyes. Oh poor guy. Glad the ice packs help. I wish I lived closer to take you out to lunch or coffee just to cheer you a little bit. Hang in there Susie. xoxo

    1. Thank you Kris. You have a good heart. One day I hope you and Diana can come back to Tipton for a Horton's event. I truly appreciate every prayer and kind word from everyone. Ted is just the tiniest bit better. But I will thank our Lord for that. He said he can keep his eye open a little longer now. Blessings, stay warm...this snow and cold is the pits. I am a big sissy now, hate winter time. LOL Blessings to you and your sweet family. xoxo,love, Susie

  29. Susie, living in the mountains now, I am learning to love and appreciate the snow. We will have another snowfall soon, and the other day it was already starting to drizzle. I know how much you want Spring to come. Thanks for the update on Ted. It sounds like his son is helping him so much. Your family is wonderful always helping out also. Yes, I will say a prayer for Ted and you, Susie. That must be awful to have shingles in his eye. Your snow pictures made my Monday morning, thank you.


    1. Sheri, You are just the sweet girl. You make me laugh about how well you love snow...and now you get to have some. I think of you in the mountains now. I hope you make new friends and still have time with your children. Ted and I are so thankful for the prayers and good wishes. Blessings to you my friend, xoxo,love, Susie

  30. i am so happy to see you writing today!! we had been having a pretty mild winter until february and then, boom, winter came!! we have been having all of the same, i love snow but i am definitely in the minority!!

    best wishes to you and ted!!!

    1. Gosh Debbie, It was the same here. mild winter then winter from the north pole. LOL I am not a snow or cold fan. I can't seem to get warm any more. I am longing for spring. Be safe honey. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    2. Oh Susie, this cold (record breaking) weather is miserable! Your photos are pretty. That is something good about the winter! I’m so thankful for your family and friends too. It’s so hard to be alone. But I’m thankful that you are able to communicate with Ted. I know it has to lift his spirits (and yours as well :) ) You are both in my prayers.


  31. Continuing to pray my dear friend.
    Lots of love to you.

  32. Yes, prayers for Ted as he feels good about getting better. I pray for peace for you. I pray for restful sleeps, tasty food, and great assurance of Jesus's great love for you, dear one.

  33. What a fight Ted has gone through, and you also.
    Yes I am hoping for a nice lovely spring also. We have had enough frigid weather.
    I have ideas for a new flower bed.


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