There's been lots of soybean harvesting happening in our county. The big fields on the corner are done. They stir up dust and pests. Can not sit out , things bite. My daughter calls them "No see'ums"
My daughter Liz came over on Wednesday . She brought Lynzie , Max and Luke. Ted and I wore masks, we sat outside. We watched the boys play hop-scotch and a game that Lynzie draws for them on driveways in chalk. They have lily pads to jump on, bear tracks to bear crawl and dinosaur tracks to stomp and roar.. The boys took their shoes off of course and started to get to quick. Luke falls down and bumps his head and I tell Lynzie, take him in and wash him up. She did not want to germ up the house, so sad. I told her, I will wipe things down. It's ok. Washed Luke and an ice pack on his noggin and he was good to go.

Speaking of Luke, I want to ask for prayers for our little fellow. He was to have polyps removed from his sinuses last week. His dr. got Luke's surgery will be on the 30th. He had to has a covid test Yesterday. Lynzie tries to prepare him for any medical procedures. She told him he was to get his nose and throat tickled. He said, "Not today mommy, that hurts." Lynzie had to hold him down for the nurse to swab his nose. Poor Luke. The polyps are one of the things that can happen with Cystic Fibrosis. So will you please send good thoughts and or prayers for our Luke. We all truly appreciate your kindness.
Seems more places are opening up. Yet, my granddaughters' school has closed due to three positive covid cases. Go figure. So please be safe . XO