Monday, March 30, 2015

More Spring Like...

  This is how the sunset looked thru the back woods. I love all those pretty colors.
 Our lilies are starting to push up. Wow, it won't be long till we actually have spring.  The days are getting warmer this week. The wind can have a chill to it , still. Hope all of you are getting some sunshine and nicer days. We have cleaned some of our flowerbeds out . We sure need to bring in some mulch. Getting ready for the spring and summer season is a lot of work at times. Ted will be rolling the lawn this Thursday.
   Wishing everyone a fun start to this week. XO

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Sunny Saturday...

    Yippee, the sun is shining.  It's cold but oh so pretty today. Just having  the sun shine is up lifting.
  Today in the mail, I received this magazine, cookies, candies and a sweet card from  Kris at Junk Chic Cottage. She's a sweetheart and has a great sense of style. Kris has a feature in this magazine, Romantic Country. I think that is wonderful.  Twelve full pages !!  If you can find yourself an issue, get it, you will totally enjoy seeing Kris and husband Terry's beautiful home.
  This is on my way into town . You know, I had to go to the grocery. It was crowded, but I managed to get in and out without too much time wasted.  As you can see the skies are blue, the sun is shining. Makes me smile.
  Wishing everyone a great weekend. XO

Friday, March 27, 2015


   Some left over photos of when I went to Horton's, in Tipton.  I like these little birds, although, I do not think they representative of any real bird...well none that I know in those colors.
 Sweet little creamer and strands of pearls.  It's a good thing I do not have room for all the dishes I like.  :):)
  A bowl of pink burlap rosettes. I could see this glues or sewn onto lamp shades, or picture frames.
 Bee skeps, look great as décor. I liked the red frame also. I think the old brick wall looks perfect behind this display.
 This old fashioned sink , that is in great shape. Purple ball jars. So pretty. I did buy one of these. Still so much to see in this store. I am amazed at how much they can get into these spaces. There were a couple venders this past market. Come July, that is when they have many venders, who will sent up in the parking lots. Much more to choose from then.
  I had a great day yesterday with my Teddy Bear. I may tell what all I ended up buying later.  The day was dreary and wet. Today , so far the sun is shining....with PM snow flurries predicted.  We have had a little bit of all kinds of weather this month and a great up and down of temperatures. I guess that is spring.
  Thinking of the people that were in the path of the storms, tornadoes and the those in the big fire in NYC.  Wishing you blessings for help getting back to normal. XO

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Got To Get Out...

  I am going to get this man out of the shop, dust him off, and we are going to lunch today. LOL. I just want to do anything besides chores today. Plan on going to kohl's with my 30 % off coupon.  I need a new summer purse. ...since my style and tastes has changed, I go for a smaller purse . No more bowling ball sized bags for me.
  Ted will be taking a fishing trip soon. He will be looking at lures and such at Walmart.  He has been in the shop going through his tackle boxes. Plus a big supply of Wet-Ones for wiping his hands. Check for snake bite kits too. He fishes Reelfoot Lake  in Tennessee.  Lots of snakes there. 
   It's another cloudy, rainy day here. I am so ready for sunshine. Hope you are having a good day. XO

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring Break...

 This week has been spring break for my three grandkids still in school.  Emma went to Hilton Head  with her parents. That fair skinned girl. She sent me a photo of her on the beach, I told her , do not forget your suns screen.!!!
  Savannah and Skylar will be going to Chicago with their parents for a day trip.  They are planning a summer vacation, so no real spring break vacation.
 My daughter Angie will have spring break in a couple weeks. This year with a wedding this summer, she has decided to not go to Florida. So she and I will have a day of shopping , with lunch. Plus we are going to take a big donation to Goodwill.
 These photos are from my trip to Horton's this past Saturday. It's the only place I have been lately.
Hope all of you are having a good week..XO

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A Few Photos.....

   This was our Sunday evening sunset.  When I see a pretty sunset, I just have to take a picture.
  This is the greenhouse at Horton's. Full of pansies.  I have yet to get mine. Since we had sleet yesterday, I am glad I waited.
  This is the chicken salad lunch I whipped up for my sister when she came out.  I love chicken salad, any recipe is fine with me.  I never eat big lunches, so this was enough, with coffee or tea.
 Here's my puff ball bunny. My grandson Korey , who is 27 made this for me . He was probably in 1st grade. The tag says , "love Korey" . I have this bunny sitting on an inverted flute glass. I am surprised it's still this white after all these years.  I have kept some things for my children and grandchildren. I know you all have too.:):)
  Well yesterday, we had sleet. This morning is cold, it is to get up to 48 today...then on Wednesday it will be 67...that's better.  Hope all of you have a good day. XO

Sunday, March 22, 2015

My Day At Horton's....

    Horton's  use nice bags and tissue papers when you buy something there.   See that pretty bl/wh/aqua bag? I bought shopping list pad and little tags.
  Got these two ball jars. One purple and one green. They had lace or ribbons with tags around the neck of the jar.
 Had to have the gold stamped Eiffel Tower bag. :) This towel with a bluebird on it, so cute.
 Bought these cookie treats from a young girl raising money for her trip to the State House. It was a government class for her.
  This is the fudge Angie and I bought.  Praline, Orange Creamcicle, Cappuccino, and Mint Chocolate. This box is holding a pound of fudge. YUM .
 I did get to visit with Cindy ,The Bee Lady from Hilltop Farm.. She such a pretty girl , so sweet and funny too. I had been looking for her while Angie and I were shopping. Did not see her, so Angie and I were walking to the Subway Shop thinking of having lunch. I saw a little red car by the curb and asked Angie," hey is that a Fiat? "  It was, and I knew it had to be Cindy's , as she just got that car this past year. So we go back to Horton's and I find Cindy. That made me happy, to get to see her and visit a bit. It was just not near long enough visit , as she was shopping with a friend, we were done shopping and the store was crowded.  Cindy, one day we will just meet up and visit. :):) Oh by the way, there's a wreath hanging behind us, up high and it makes me look like I have a  Cindy Lou Who do. LOL  I had a great day, being with Angie, seeing Cindy, and buying a few fun things. I'll have to go back this week for my pansies.
  Today looks like it's going to be a nice day. It's my grandson's birthday. I will have to take his gift to him. This coming Wednesday will be another birthday in our family. Will get that card mailed out.
  Hope all of you have a beautiful Sunday.  XO

Saturday, March 21, 2015


   While I was at Horton's on my sneak peek tour, I found plenty of bunnies. There were some Potter books with this group of bunnies. Aren't they cute little characters??
  A 30"x30" towel, that can be a table topper too. Pretty colors on these towels.

 These bunnies look like they are napping, they are so sweet . Sitting under a ruffled cake dish.
 Here's some black/white bunnies sitting in the veggie patch. :) These are my favorites.
I thought this display was adorable. I did buy one of those green ball jar at the lower left. I will show you everything I bought from my trip earlier and anything I may get today. My daughter Angie is going with me today after her zumba class. She's the zumba instructor  so the class has to go on.
  Today is sunny and on it's way to 60 degrees.. Wow a perfect spring day. Sending warm hugs to those still in ice and snow. XO

Friday, March 20, 2015

Falling In Love....

  Some times falling in love is instant.... This is Layla Rose, my great granddaughter. So precious. As I was getting ready to go to my sister's to drop off her birthday gift, I received a call from my daughter Liz.  She said meet me at the Steak& s Shake in Lafayette.
 So here's Teddy Bear and I getting to know Layla.  This was the best lunch ever.  She's three weeks old and already at the steak/shake.  There was a copper red haired baby behind us and she was 8 weeks. old.  I do not remember ever taking my babies out in cafes or stores that young. Times change, I guess.
 This is Brock(Layla's father), his sister Lynzie(Layla's aunt) and Emily (Layla's mommy).  Brock and Emily are in love and so courteous of each other, I am impressed. They seem to be relaxed with the baby. Emily is a natural mother. I wish them all the very best. I'll do whatever I can to help them .  I know my daughter Liz sure will help..
 I was going to see my sister yesterday, but I can drop by today.  This was a lucky chance to see Liz and her family, plus Karen (liz's twin) came too.  We had a little lunch , talked a bit and said our goodbyes. We all left at the same time. There were seven of us and baby Layla made eight.
     I hope to see the baby again before another three weeks. I was going to have dinner at Liz's house and be with all of them , when Layla was 2 weeks old, but I got sick and could not go. Now I am feeling fine.
 Hope everyone has a good day's the first day of spring. Cloudy and damp here.  It is spring !!!! Hugs for everyone . XO

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sneak Peek......

   Yesterday when I went to town, I went to Horton's . I always ask to take pictures. No one was in the store but Mr. Horton. Some came through while I was there.  This window had an old dress from a prom . Prom is a spring event.
  I could not get a shot of this without reflections on the window. Pretty shade of pink.
 The fudge counter was filling up with the Horton's homemade fudges. They  had cappuccino, peanut butter/choco layered, maple, walnut, sugar free chocolate. They will have raspberry , dreamcicle, and a few more flavors on Saturday.
  There were umbrella displays. It rains in the spring.,,,hopefully not Saturday. Some cute bird dishes, napkins, and farm sweet farm, signs. You can see that Horton's is a hardware store from some of these shots.
 Another window display. Wire basket full of cups sitting on saucers. A tiny cup/saucer under a big glass cloche.
Mercury glass bottles with little letters spelling spring , held by tiny clothes pins. I bought a few things while I was there. I will go back on Saturday if I get a chance. I may ask my daughter Angie to go along with me.  I have many more photos to show. :):)
  I went to the grocery when I left Horton's. Got there and only a few others were in the store. Thursday is big sale day at Marsh. So maybe everyone will be there today . Ha, I loved having  the store pretty much to myself. I saved 30 dollars with my coupons , and gave a coupon to a couple to help them out. :)
  On my drive home, saw my sister Brenda , asked her out for lunch. Beat it home and made some chicken salad and we had a fun time. Today is my sister Jeanie's birthday, so I have to get busy. Going  to her house and give her a gift.  Hope your day is a happy one.  XO

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Better Is Good.......

     I am feeling so much better. That's good in my book. :)  It has been so much like spring the past few days. This is Monday evening's sunset photos.
 Every direction the skies were very colorful.  Don't you love pink clouds?
 At the very last of the sun dropping in the horizon, you get some nice yellow clouds. Beautiful.  While I was not feeling well, my Teddy Bear cleaned out the front flowerbed for me.  That just made me feel blessed with that good man.  So today, it's off to the grocery, food shopping. You all know I do not like to food shop, but getting out is going to feel great.
   Hope you are all well. Wishing you a great Wednesday. Can you believe spring is this Friday. Oh happy day !  XO

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blue Skies....

  It's Sunday and the skies are blue. This is a true spring like day. Started off with a mere glaze of frost. But the sun came up and now this.  Here it is so nice and I am under the weather...blah!
 You can see all the way to the farm over a mile away. So no fog or haze.  It is a pretty day, to be enjoyed. I want to go out , walk the yard. Calling the lawn people tomorrow, to get in on the early crab grass treatments.
I love our pine trees. I have always love the smell of pine, the look of the dark green against a blue sky. Soon the tips will make little crosses in time for Easter. An oddity that I find fascinating.
  I became ill on Wednesday. Just was able to eat some oatmeal and toast this morning. I could not believe I stayed well and healthy all winter and then get sick when I am ready to get to those flowerbeds. Other than my lower back hurting, I am feeling better.  So I need to do a few things all know how stuff seems to pile up, when you can barely get out of bed.  Where's that housecleaning fairy? LOL .. Sure could use her help today.
  I know there's flooding in many places, please be safe. I am praying for those in need. XO

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Spring Market...

  I received my notice of Horton's spring market . It is the 21st of March. From 9am to 6pm. Free coffee and refreshments. A free flat of pansies with a hundred dollar purchase.  Did I ever tell you how much I enjoy  "free" ? :):)
  Teddy Bear bought me some truffles yesterday...gotta love that man.
  The snow is almost all melted. It has turned to fog. Scary. This is yesterday at 6pm...This morning you could not see across the road.  I want to run to town ...but waiting for the fog to lift. Hope it's gone before noon. LOL
   Hope many of you are getting the warmer temperatures too. Jacket and light coats for now. Be glad to not have to wear bulky layers.   Enjoy this pretty day. Be careful in the fog. XO

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Saturday's Sunset....

 I am showing Saturday's sunset pictures , while I tell you of the past few days. Many of you know my brother passed away and was buried on Friday.
  The viewing was Thursday evening. With family time at 6:00.. At  6:30 people staring coming through the funeral home. They did not stop till almost 9:30. Three hours of a steady flow of friends, family, townspeople and co-workers.

 I knew my brother knew many people, because he never forgot a name. But I honestly was impressed with how many people came to pay their respects. 
  It also was a tough time for all my siblings , our families and myself.  We will miss Mark. He will be missed by many.  On the way to the cemetery, that is when I saw how much traffic was backed up for our procession to stay together. I told Ted, one of the poorest men in town truly was the richest with friends. That is when I cried without control.
  Let me explain this, my brother worked 34 years , made lots of money. Spent it as fast as he made it. He had a friend who called him, a weekend he could spend his paycheck in a weekend , some times.  Money meant nothing to Mark. So he actually had very little in material things. But the man was loved. I think more than he ever knew.
  I have felt exhausted . I want to try to get back to normal, whatever that is, soon. Thank you dear blog family, for all your prayers, thoughts and kind words, you have held me up. Love you. XO