Sunday, January 10, 2021

Give Me Light....

 We have this dusk to dawn light  at the shop. It's been going on and off at the oddest times. I think t's sensor is going bad. This is one of the things that Ted has always taken care of, so now what.  It comes on at dusk, goes off and boy does it seem dark here then. It's off maybe 10 to 15 minutes than comes back on.  I will have to see if one of the son in laws can fix it for me. 
   You can't see the weather vane in this shot. It's a running horse pattern. When Ted and I got the vane we were at the Covered Bridge Festival in Park county.  Ted had a golfer pattern  picked out and ask me what I thought. I said, "No it just doesn't seem right. So he picks a fish. Then I had to say, "No, what one of these that I you like?" LOL.  It was either a rooster or the horse. LOL.
 We have caught some bits of sun at sunset time. Not much more , but at least it isn't snowing.  I think we are to have some mostly sunny days this coming week. Hooray.
   Ted is not much better. We have an appointment in a week for him to see the lung doctors. I am thankful it's at the Hospital that diagnosed Ted's cancer two years ago. They have a pulmonary clinic there. Praying he gets some good reports. 
  Hope all of you are safe and well.  Wear your masks for your loved ones. XO


  1. Best wishes and prayers for you both. xxx

    1. Thank you Winifred. You are so kind. Blessings, be safe, xoxo, Susie

  2. I hope he gets some good news from the lung doctors. This sky picture is gorgeous, with all the light at the horizon's edge. I agree with you about the weather vane!

    1. I can not wait to tell Ted how you agree with me about that weather vane. LOL. We need a laugh here and there. I love the sunrises and sunsets. Don't always get many sunrises here, because of the woods on both sides of the road to the east. Ted just seems to be have one issue after's wearing us both out. Thank you for the good wishes. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. That's funny about the weather vane. The horse or rooster would be my choice too. We've had a rooster weather vane for a year now and need to find someone to help put it up, Dan no longer climbs up on the roof. Sure hope for the best for Ted...and for you too.

    1. Thank you Henny. I am so grateful for good wishes and prayers. They sure give us strength. I hope you can get the weather vane up too. That's why I can't fix the dusk to dawn light, not risking climbing ladders without help. Be safe. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. Keep us posted on how the appointment goes. The sunset is just lovely! Hope someone can help you with the light's sensor!! Have a blessed week!

    1. Thank you Terri. WE are hoping for a good report and some help. Blessings, be safe, xoxo, Susie

  5. I had a motion detector light in front of my garage that went off and on for no reason at all, until the bulb burnt out and I haven't replaced it. I think the sensor is focusing on the branches of my neighbor's weeping willow tree and goes on when the branches move!

    I hope the doctor's appointment goes well and they can help Ted feel better, soon. Take care of yourself and keep us informed. (((HUGS)))

    1. Thank you for the good wishes. We are praying some dr will help Ted get over this round of woes.
      Yes, tree branches can effect the sensors. There are none around the shop light. IT's old and needs replaced at least the sensor does. Blessings , be safe, xoxo, Susie

  6. Hello!
    Prayers for the appointment.
    Beautiful pictures.
    Have a cozy evening!

    1. Thank you dear Billie JO. Hope all is well there. We will be thrilled when Ted's recovery road smoothes out . It's been way too bumpy. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  7. Praying that Ted will get some positive news when he sees the doctor, my husband is dealing with lung problems it depletes his energy :)
    I was wondering about the sensor, we have one above the garage door, if there has been any kind of power outage, you have to reset the sensor function.
    Hope you are taking time for yourself sweet lady, you are so deserving.
    My best wishes to you and yours in this new year.

    1. Thank you Jo. We appreciate all prayers and good wishes. Ted's oxygen machine is noisy and that is maddening to me at times. I just think my nerves are frazzled. It seems he is having so many health issues just when we thought he would be thru most of that.
      I am not even sure we have a reset. But we do have power outages around here.
      Thank you for your kind words. Stay safe there. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  8. Praying for positive news from the doctor!

    1. Thank you Jan. Your prayers are gifts to us. We are grateful. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  9. Praying for you both every single morning! I do so hope and pray that Ted gets better and they can help him at this appointment! Love to you both....

    1. Thank you Linda. It is just so stressful trying to get Ted to the Good health part. I am right now waiting for a call from our primary dr. Blessings to you and LD stay safe. xoxo,love you, Susie

  10. All the best to you Susie and Ted- praying things get better soon. We're having a cool Summer here- today was warmer at 86 Deg F. Hotter days ahead for sure. Stay well there Susie. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Thank you Kev. The prayers are so kind and helpful. We appreciate them. Warm...sounds so good to me. We may gets about 3 days of 40 degree weather this week. Hooray. Keep safe there. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  11. Oh my hope Ted is okay with the lungs. JP has an appointment today at 11:00 with the Pulmonary Doctor. JP had one of those sleep test in December. Not sure what they saw. Doctor referred JP to see the lung specialist today. I am thinking 2020 never ended for us, 2021 is just a continuation of 2020!!!!!!!!

    1. Louise I almost fear that too. It seems crappy so far. :( Praying for your and JP. I too hope Ted does well at the pulmonary drs. I wish it was this week and done. My nerves are like stretched rubber bands. Blessings to you, be safe. xoxo, Susie

  12. Praying for good results and hope that you have a happy week. The Joy of the Lord is our strength. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Thank you Cindy. I am so thankful for the prayers. We all need them. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  13. Hope your SIL's can figure it out. It could be you need a new one. Here I had my Christmas wreath set on a timer, dusk to dawn, and it sometimes stayed on all daylong as we had some really dark and gloomy days. Could be your problem as well.

    1. Thanks honey. Yes, It's a puzzle at times. Finding anyone with free time will be my challenge. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  14. Praying that you will get good results at the doctor for Ted.
    Hope the sunshine will go down deep into your soul and that you can get that light fixed too.

    1. Thank you so much. I love that sweet sunshine. :) Thank you for the prayers. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  15. Beautiful sunshine! It is good to see.


    1. Sandi, I truly love going to the mailbox and a cloud will lift and a spot of sun shines on my face. I call that my kiss from God. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  16. I pray you get the answers you need for Ted. Standing with you, my friend!
    So glad you won that weather vane choice, haha!
    I love a pretty sky and will appreciate one whenever I get a chance to see the beauty. Thanks for sharing your very open view (ours is always the bit we see through the many trees)!

    1. Thank you Doris. Ted and I still laugh about the weather choices. LOL I am so appreciative of all the prayers. They help my peace of mind too. I am praying God will heal Ted one day soon. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo, Susie

  17. We've been having some sunny days too. So NICE!!

  18. All good wishes to Ted, Susie. And you. Healing from pneumonia can take a long while when it's your only issue and it's not Ted's, so I hope they can do something at the hospital clinic.

  19. Happy New Year, Susie, Hope Ted is feeling better??! Keep us posted on the dr. appointment, okay? The pictures are so pretty. I love a beautiful sunset. Hope your holidays were merry and happy. How cold is it there?

  20. Praying for you and Ted. Hope you get your light fixed. Hope they can find something that will help Ted.

  21. We have those lights too and they are a blessing on a dark night! Praying for you and Ted! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

  22. So glad Ted is doing much better. It is good when we couples can come to an agreement on any thing. The running horse woulda jumped for me. LOL
    TAke care and you be safe.
    Sherry & jack

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