Thursday, March 14, 2024

Spring Is Here....

 My pictures are from the past. Spring supplies and decor from Horton's in town. I have some fake tulips I keep out all year round in my house. I just move them here and there. 
Butterflies are not real here, but I love them. I am ready to spot real ones. I will see if my daughter will take me to the butterfly building at a little petting zoo near her.
 It's March and already half gone. This little beauty , granddaughter Savannah, was born in March and will be twenty two years old. I remember the day she was born, we had a bad snow and saw cars off the road on our way to the hospital. Time has gone so quickly. She has grown and has her own place now. My daughter has that empty nest heartache. We want our children to grow up and get their own lives, but the big quiet in your house makes for a longing to wish our children small once more. 

    I have been doing a few news things going to bingo with friends. Union lunches. Promised a friend I would go listen to some oldsters play music one day. I find I am not good at sitting still at times. LOL  Oh it's almost yard season. Planting flowers, spraying bug spray around the outside and good ole mowing. Plus I will stain the deck this year. Do you think retirement sounds somewhat like working ?

   Take care all of you. Stay safe, XO


  1. Hi Susie! It sounds like you are keeping busy! Staining the deck? That sounds hard! God bless you, friend.

    1. Thank you. Staining decks is harder the older I get . When I did the one I used to have it took me a week. It would get too hot. I do a few boards at a time. I used a pad for my knees. i just put the stain on with a wide brush. Blessings to you and yours. xoxo, Susie

  2. Spring is a wonderful time of the year, isn't it? Happy birthday to your granddaughter! My daughter was born in March, too!

    1. I love the fresh air of spring. Hoping my allergies will let me enjoy some. Thank you for the bday wishes for our girl. Blessings and good wishes to your girl too. xoxo, Susie

  3. Happy birthday to your granddaughter. Yes they grow up fast. Mine will be 17 this year. Hopefully Spring has arrived here in Michigan. Today rain and thunderstorms. A bit damp and chilly. Janice

    1. Hi Janice, As I am typing this the weatherman is doing tornado warnings for Indiana. I always pray the storm will just fall apart. There's the bad part of Spring. If your girl is 17, can college be far off? When my daughters went off to school, I cried all the time. Blessings, stay safe. xoxo, Susie

  4. It's so good to hear from you, Susie! Looks like your spring is just a bit ahead of us -- but it's coming, and soon!

    1. Hi Jeanie, Here I posted of spring and just now saw it may snow on can not last if the next day will be 50. Our weather is nuts. Blessings to you and your loved ones. xoxo, Susie

  5. Good Morning, Sweet Susie! It's 11:11---a magical hour "when the clock matches," as the kids used to say. It's so wonderful to see you here, and to hear all your activities and see your blooms. I was just out in this nippy wind, and our three "clumps" of tulips are up about eight inches, wiggling their ears in the breeze. They were here when we bought this house, valiantly waving in three far-apart places in the yard, two beds out back and one little hill by the front door---when I went to try to plant hostas in those beds, we pulled up yards and miles of that black plastic netty stuff the former owners had put down so nothing would grow. So I praise those three bright little groups every year---it's been 26 years we've lived here, and I didn't know the bulbs would live so long. I hope my little Methuselah group flourish til after Easter.

    Stay warm and well, sweet neighbor up the road---I still hope to run into you in the aisles of Horton's someday!! jan

    1. I would be thrill to see you at Horton's . I have met some of our blog family there thru the years. Jan , I have some tulips here also that were planted before I moved here. I love spring flowers. We have many rabbits running around this area. More than in the country. I am amazed they have not eaten the tulips. They dug up the lilies and ate the bulbs. Take care, be safe. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  6. Hi, Susie! I’m so glad I decided to check with Blogger! I miss keeping up with you, and I’m not posting often at all anymore. I remember when we’d do that advance posting and set it for automatic publishing! I love tulips! They are perfect anytime! The years pass all too quickly. Take care of yourself! -xoxo

    1. Hi Nellie, I think of you and recall when I wanted to walk up and down your street, just to smell the aromas of what you might be cooking. You know I rarely cook any more. Cooking for one is hard for me. Please take care and enjoy some good days on the porch. Bless you, xoxo, Susie

  7. We love all the pictures, but that little Savannah takes the cake, I smiled, I also have fake tulips but mine stays in the same place. LOL I do love tulips and really enjoyed the trip to Holland Michigan. Never realized there were so many colors.
    Spring is a wonderful time of the year... We enjoy the visits to your house....
    Love Ya, jack & Sherry

    1. Thanks Jack, Little Savannah's dad laughs about that red and yellow car being her first. He helps keep an eye on her real car now. Checks everything from tires to oil. This is the time when flowering trees look so pretty and my mother would say, "oh I wish I had that tree in my yard ". I told her she would have a forest . Blessings, hold your sweet lady close, xoxo, Susie

  8. Hi Susie! It's a bit overwhelming at times to think of all the stuff to do outside with the gardens and yard! I've been poking around outside to see what is peeping out of the ground. I just wish our weather would be a bit more consistent. 60's and then down to 30's! Amazing how fast the grands grow! Mine is 7 and I feel like time is zooming by!

    1. Brr Liz, I know what you mean. I have been chilled all day. Not so eager to mow but sure want to clean up the flowerbeds and all the whispy twigs from the trees. Blessings, xoxo, susie

  9. It's the working that keeps us healthy even in retirement.

    1. It is cheaper than a gym membership. I hope I remember to stretch before getting into some of my jobs. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  10. I read your blog faithfully...however, my IPHONE and IPAD do not allow me to respond...this laptop does. I moved here from Indy...and that is when I found your blog...I will return here for the little grandsons...daughter in Greenwood. I know you miss your faithful forever friend (since we were toddlers) lost her husband in 2020 (March)...and my sister-in-law lost my brother-in-law in 2021...they struggle...we are "our" support system for various reasons...I also have a text prayer group...keep writing...take the time to blog and/or journal...take the time for yourself...keep in touch with those of us who care about you...I remember your hospital visits with your sweet husband...

    1. Thank you Brenda. March the 10th marked 3 years that my Teddy passed. It still hurts. I always ask God to hold him till I can. I have been doing things with a classmate who lost her husband of 60years last Feb. We try to do a lunch or senior center bingo together. It helps. I still keep journals. I started when Ted got sick. It was a long hard journey...but I would do it again to hold that sweet man in my arms. You know what I mean. Bless you so much, xoxo, Susie

  11. I love Hortons..Such neat stuff..Have a Happy Easter..

    1. Happy Easter to you Missy. Hope you have good weather. I have been making a list of spring chores, since our weather is warmer. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  12. Hi Susie, Hope all is well. For me retirement so not like working. It took me a little while to get used to not working, but so grateful for these years!

  13. Hey Susie! I am so glad you are getting out! Bingo and lunches sound like fun! Praying blessings upon you and your family!

  14. Hi Susie, It is that time of year when everything comes to life, one of my favorite seasons for sure. I love butterflies too, and was pleasantly surprised to see one in my flower garden last week, it was a Monarch, small but pretty.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and for your prayers for my Mom, she has been in the hospital this week, thankfully she is now home, but still needs much prayer.

  15. awwww susie, i missed this and i always want to know how you are!! thank you for stopping by i am happy to hear you are ok. savannah, could be the cutest little one i have ever seen...i hope she still has those full, rosey cheeks!! i am happy to hear you have been doing a few new things, i hope you are enjoying them and that you are happy!!

  16. Hey Susie! Just stopping in and pleased to see this post from March. It's almost June, hope you are well. Take care. Love, Kay.

  17. I hope everyone is doing well, I have some news to share today.... In the next week I am moving to NOLA and hoping this new journey will put me back into the attitude that change is good. So much to do and not enough time to do it. I am so thankful for all the wonderful people in my life (including Pedro Jerome) a loan lender that support me at all times I am excited and also worried my life has been such a downer for so long that getting out of it has been hard, but I do really feel that this change is going to be the best thing I need right now, and I have hopes that all good things do come to those that wait.
    I'm thanking a loan lender who helped me with a loan of 1 millions dollars to boost up my business once again at the rate of 2% annual return which is so wonderful, and I would like anyone stuck in financial situation to reach out to Pedro the loan lender on WhatsApp: +393510140339. For loan assistance.
    So please keep me in your thoughts, and thanks to this blog I can at least keep in contact with all of you.
