Sunday, August 25, 2024

Summer Seems To Be Closing .....

 Have seen many pretty sunsets.  Have to drive out to the country. Living in a neighborhood you do not see the sun set. Too many home , trees and buildings block the view.

 My old classmates and I still have brunch gatherings once a month. Sometimes there's big groups and at times much smaller ones. I have noticed through the years the conversations have changed from new grandkids, family trips and vacations to aches , pains , and dr. appointments. My gosh we are boring. But the laughs certainly make up for that.

  I have been going with my friends to listen to music at a couple of places, close to our town. It is fun and good for our spirits. We all make dishes to take as there's a pitch in dinner during music breaks.  Always bowls of popcorn for those that like it during music. I give my friends a hard time about salt. :( They need to watch that. Funny how some oldsters are much like kids. LOL

  I hope and pray all of you are doing well. Our summer is going quickly and heating things up too. We are in for a week of 90's. But I know that's cool compared to some of the three digit stuff many of you have had so far. Drink your water , sit in the shade, and enjoy everyday. XO


  1. Hey Susie! We have had a cool spell here in the mornings, down in the 60's even! We are promised that will not last however. Georgia heat goes on until late October! Take care! x

    1. So good to hear from you. Stay cool and hydrated. I really should not complain of the heat. Cause girl, I hate winter weather. LOL I just love when the AC isn't going and not even the heat. Blessings to you and your family, xoxo, Susie

  2. "Drink your water , sit in the shade, and enjoy everyday."

    Wise words!
    XO 🙂

    1. Hi Sandi, I miss my country porch sitting. But I can sit out under my maple tree in a swing. Bless you, xoxo, Susie

  3. It's still plenty hot here in Florida, but lately the heat advisories have vanished and the humidity is a tiny bit lower. I'll take it.


    1. Hi June, Well no honey you can enjoy your nice state. Sure hope you had some good summer days. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. How lovely to be seeing friends and classmates, Susie. And you are so right -- summer is simply flying by and quickly. Savor it.

    1. Jeanie, I told my sister I would get up early and stay up enjoy my summer, it just did not happen enough days. I pray you had a great time at the lake this year. Bless you, xoxo, Susie

  5. Hi, Susie! Staying cool here! We were teased by some cooler temps last week, but this week will be back into the nineties! Sounds like fun to gather with your classmates! Sending you hugs and love! Nellie

    1. Nellie, I think of you often. I wondered to myself if you were cooking like you used to. I do not want to cook any more and even thinking of what to eat is pain. Why aren't I skinnier then. LOL Thank you for the hugs and love. I truly need that so many days. Blessings to you and yours, love, xoxo, Susie

  6. Sounds like you are enjoying your summer. It's always good to hear from you! Enjoy your days. :)

    1. Thank you sweet girl. I think f your gardening whenever my daughter Karen sends me picks of her garden produce. Her sunflowers have done better than the food items. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  7. Seems like a wonderful summer you have had, Susie,I think it is wonderful that you and your classmates stay in touch, friendships are needed now more than ever!
    speaking of temperatures, we have had one of the hottest summers ever, but we were blessed to have gotten a break last week, and I took advantage of every day, however high temps are due back tomorrow, Oh well it will soon end,(hopefully) ~wink.~

    1. Hi Sue, Oh yes enjoy those cooler days. Those are when I mow. I use a battery powered lawn mower, so I walk the whole yard. I call it my real exercise. No need for a gym membership. Mowing, weed whacking, raking soon. Well you know honey. Blessings for a great cool down. xoxo, Susie

  8. Susie, it's been a while since I've visited, so glad to hear you are doing well! It's true, that as we age, the things we talk about and do change as well! So wonderful that you are getting out and doing fun things, what a blessing! The sunset is gorgeous - summer has such beauty, doesn't it! Many blessings to you!

    1. Thank you so much Marilyn. You know we have to laugh at ourselves and some of our aches and pains. I have been loving our sweet summer days. I was only out today to get in and out of my car with Ac going. I did water plants and get my mail. Then back inside to not be the heavy heat. Tomorrow is to be a hotter day but possible rain shower . Blessings to you, oxox, Susie

  9. Enjoyed the visit. I have missed a few days, but think of you often. Life is good. What a joy to enjoy those sunsets, but more joy to see 'Shejunks'! Great you guys can get together. Sherry does some but the times are fewer, and less in the goupl.
    Love you lady...

    1. Hi Jack, I have also thought of you and Sherry. Pray for my blog family everyday. Today my bingo pals and I went to lunch after bingo. When I first started to bingo, if I got a bingo I yelled hot dog...cause that's my word for being excited. I had to learn to say bingo, crazy I know. Take care of yourself and your sweetie. Blessings and love to you guys, xoxo, Susie

  10. Summer has flown by it seems. Cannot believe September is around the corner. How fun to meet up with your friends monthly. Looks like you have fun doing it too. Janice

    1. Hi Janice, It is fun to change up our seating so we can catch up with each other. I have honestly laughed till I have cried at my old friends, when they go back in time. Let's enjoy every last bit of this summer...might have to sit on a block of ice at times. LOL Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  11. So good to read your blog. Have missed you. Prayers...think of you often. Was in Indiana this summer to family and thought about you. I am not one to meet people on the blogs though...take care

    1. Hi Brenda, I have met a few bloggers. It's fun if it's at a festival. Nana Diana is one of the sweetest I have ever met. Thank you for your kind words. I always appreciate prayers. I hope you are enjoying your new home and area. When I was young I could have left this town...but not after all these years. LOL I guess my roots are too deep. Today in Indiana it's one of the hottest days. Ready for cooler weather, but Brenda you know I am not a fan of winter. Bless you my friend, xoxo, Susie

  12. i see so many pretty sunsets here too susie, but i am rarely in the right place at the right time. when i drive to the right place, the sunset is never what i am expecting!! i am ready for fall and in winter the sunsets are gorgeous!! good to see you today, i always smile when i see you have posted an update!! in the picture, you are all the way to the left??

  13. Debbie, Yes that's me. LOL I love sunsets and anything to do with the sky. I drove to my kids and also my old grade school last night for super moon shots. Too many wires around when it's just rising. You know honey we have to laugh at ourselves, it helps. There's a senior games coming up here next week. It's called , Walk, Run , and Roll( cycling). I have been calling it for my friends, Slip, trip, and runaround friend is always tripping even with her cane. She tries to carry too many things, that's why. Hold your sweetheart close. Bless you both, xoxo, Susie
