Thursday, July 27, 2023

Oh So Slowly....

Just as this wee inch worm inches is my progress here in town.  One day it seems I have been back in town forever, then the next as though I just got here.
I keep trying to get back to being an organized person, not at a fast pace. Just a little each day or every other day. It's like my batteries are running low..low...low.
 Enjoying some pretty things will keep me from going thru stack of papers. Why do we have to have so many piles of receipts. Dare we let if be shredded?  Maybe in my last days I'll shred it all and take my chances with the IRS and such. LOL
 The baking sun we have been having this summer is good for flowers, if you remember to water them.
 My daughter Karen has been harvesting some of her garden. My goodness , she may have to open  a pickle factory , she has picked so many cucumbers. She has tomatoes, potatoes, and the green beans are getting there. She has made pickles that she says are hot and spicy.... my gosh ,Ted would have loved those. The man enjoyed spicy foods.

  Granddaughter Lynzie came to visit today and brought her two boys, Max and Luke.  The boys are going to be as tall or taller than me in a couple more years. Max is 7 1/2 yrs old and Luke  is 6.   Now that is when time goes quickly. I got myself lots of hugs and squeezes. :):)  I told them to never forget me, they promised they would not.  I love to see how they are learning so many  things. Both are in taekwondo and like it . They like baseball also. In three weeks they go back to school.

    Take care dear friends and family. Stay cool and hydrated. XO 



  1. So good to see you blogging. Prayers

    1. Thank you Brenda, Hope all is well with you. Grateful for the prayers. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. How fun to have your grandkids come over for hugs. They are the best! I hate paperwork myself. Janice

    1. Janice, I got so many hugs and we all had many laughs. The g.grandsons are adorable. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. It's lovely to see you posting and those flowers are just gorgeous. Take it one day at a time and enjoy each day's blessings. (((HUGS)))

    1. Thank you for the hugs. I think at times, that is what I miss most about being alone. Ted would always hug me . Covid put a stop to just hugging friends. Maybe we are getting back to that . I sure got hugs from my g.grandsons. Gosh they have grown n made me laughs so much. Today was one of the hot days where you wear the air. Whew. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  4. Always so good to hear from you! Those visits and hugs are just the best, aren't they? ♥️
    We are getting a few tomatoes and soon some peppers...that's all the vege gardening we do. The bids are liking my tomatoes too =(( I love the birds but not them snacking on my precious tomatoes!
    Sending hugs your way from me ❤️

    1. hank you Doris for the hugs. Yes, little arms hugging me makes my heart melt. The boys are so funny too. We made up stories, then watch a funny kid show. They go back to school next month. Tell Ellen hello. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  5. I love your beautiful flowers there. Gardening is so good for us! Flowers or vegetables in the summer are a treat for the eyes!

    1. Honestly, if I had known Karen was going to be such an awesome gardener, I would have made her a garden when she was a young girl. She shares her garden things...even things that aren't the best get fed to her neighbors' chickens. She never wants to waste food. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  6. Oh shred all those receipts.
    I never ever needed to go back and find a receipt! So shred I did!

    1. Jackie, We may as well shred them , because looking for one since I am not as organized as I used's almost impossible to find one. Now, I write the check numbers on the envelope the bill comes in and the date paid. That's my new file system. LOL Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  7. It is nice to see you here. Baby steps, that's how I do it. No rush:) I spend lots of time outside to keep me from my chores inside! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. Hi Theresa, It's been unbearably hot here...I do not know how those in the south are doing it. I feel mad to have to stay inside in summer. :( Today was good and I mowed. I do the weed whacking tomorrow. I hope you are enjoying some good days. I finally cleared the dining room table of paper work...but the office looks as if a bomb went off . LOL Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie

  8. Such a wonderful post today. Glad you could be with family. I haven't visited your blog for such a long time. (((hugs))) Sue

    1. Sue, Hope all is well. Thanks for coming by. I miss so many of our blogging family. I am hoping a can do a bit more know after all that paper stuff is shredded and thrown out. If it comes in the mail now and it's junk...I tear it up and toss it as soon as I bring it more, "Oh I might read this later." LOL No way am I going to order or buy anything out it goes. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  9. So lovely to see your post Susie, summer is waning and the flowers are giving one last flush, yours are delightful !
    The grandchildren are blessings to us, they give us a purpose, and enjoyment. Glad you are keeping well.

    1. Thank you Jo. I agree about the grands being a blessing. I actually have a lift after being around them. I like that they recall some of the fun things we did when they were small. Here's hoping we can enjoy the summer and fall. The heavy heat has been as bad as snow...when we have to stay indoors. Take care, blessings to you and yours, xoxo,Susie

  10. Oh Susie ~ it's been a long time since I've been here. So much going on in our lives. I didn't know you had moved. I will try to keep up better. We just got back from a trip to AZ and I was thrilled my dearest was strong enough to go. Sending Love and Hugs.

    1. Wanda, Hold tight to your sweet man. I am glad he did the trip also. You made some good memories. Yes, I moved to town when Ted passed, the farm was more up keep than I wanted to do. It's bad enough here. I have to do the inside and outside work. Ted would do the mowing and weeding. Now I do it . He had a riding zero turn mower and I use a battery powered push mower. It's exercise. :) Blessings to you and all your loved ones. xoxo, love you, Susie

  11. i am so happy to see a post from you today!! boys grow like that you know...i am glad they shared lots of hugs and squeezes!! beautiful flowers and again, so happy to see you!!

    1. Thank you Debbie. That evening Luke lost his first tooth. Time is flying. I have tried my best to keep that rose going. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  12. Happy to see that you are posting. Oh, I do remember the hot and humid summers in Indiana: although as a child they never seems as bad as they would today. When you're a kid and the sun is shining, all your think about in the summer is bike riding, roller skating, catching lightening bugs and eating watermelon :)
    I am so happy that your grandchildren came to visit. They are always a delight.

    1. Connie, When I think of being a kid on really hot days...I recall being sweaty and dirty from playing in the heat. We had a lot of kids and no bike ever, but a kid used to come by and let us all have a turn on his bike...I told his dad years later, that boy was pretty popular around our house. His dad loved that story. I wish my grands could be around more. I have a connection with all of them. Blessngs, xoxo,love Susie

  13. Hello Susie,
    It was good to catch up with you here on the blog.
    I love the flowers. :-)
    The summer heat has been good for our tomatoes and peppers.
    Love, Carla

    1. Hi Carla, I have missed you and hearing of your boys growing up. They are beautiful young men now. I love the idea of having fresh tomatoes growing outside the kitchen door. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  14. Howdy! I am going to tell my Dr on my appt. with him in few weeks about the nail problems. Glad you brought that to my attention. I am finally trying to grow some zinnias! A friend gave me seeds...I got them in two big big containers. Wish me luck! I love those, the zinnias.

  15. I'm watching my grandson shoot up. I'm a runt and his mom is too, but it won't be that long before he is as tall as we are. *he is 8*

    1. I am amazed how I seem so short next to grandkids. I am 5' 4" one sister is taller and the others are really short. Good luck with your flowers. The squirrels dug up my sunflower seeds. Sad about that. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  16. Oh how sweet. Beautiful pictures and yes we have had some beautiful flowers around this year. Not mine or ours, but neighbors and folks along the walk.
    Reciepts? I have to laugh. I have boxes of records and RECEIPTS. Some old they are faded. LOL
    enjoyed the visit, trying to get back in step. Went tpo coiurt today for family member the 12th or 13th time. Supposed to be the last, Shucks, another continuance. WE are promised, next time will be the final... right.
    l Love you lady and enjoy reading your thoughts.
    Sherry & jack

    1. Wishing you and Sherry the best. We sometimes have to stand up for our families, it can be stressful. My daughters have been off on small vacations. The daughter in Seattle invited me to come visit. Just not ready for any long trips. I enjoy a day here and there, but I seem to be stuck in a rut . Too much to do yet. The heat of this summer has not let me do many things I need to. So mowing and weeding is the thing I have to do, every week. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie
      p.s. sending prayers.

  17. hi susie!! i hope you had a nice summer!!

    1. Thank you Debbie, It was miserable hot many days. I miss the days of opening windows for fresh air. Going into Fall now, I will be outside more. Blessings. xoxo, Susie

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