Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sweet Summertime....

 Beautiful puffy white clouds in a sky of blue. That is summer to me. We are getting ready for the first day of the summer season  and have had some 80 and 90 degree days. Hoping that doesn't mean the dog days of summer will be even hotter.  The big rains and these hot days have really made the crops grow around here.
I like to take a few short drives on nice days and think about my life. I have been joining a couple ladies who have lost their husbands the past year. I grew up in the same neighborhood with Pat and Rita. They are sisters. We go to the American Legion to play bingo, where the prize is money.  And  4-H bingo, where the prizes are decorating things, and cleaning products.  We also go to a community center to listen to a group of  fellows play music. I  have truly enjoyed that. Of course it takes me back in time to when my parents listened to country music.  I was amazed I even knew the words to most of those old songs.  I know my parents would be laughing , because my siblings and I wanted to listen to Rock and Roll  all the time.
 I have done a lot of yard work. Doing the mulching with bags, that are 33% larger than normal...and wet, because the hardware store has it stacked outside, is very hard work. I don't mind telling you , I do not have the strength I need. So if is a struggle to get the mulch to the right spots.  I won't tackle that job again. 

   I think of so many of you. You are in my daily prayers, to have good health and be safe. I am going to ask a favor of you. Please tell your loved ones , you love them. Hold them close. Get videos and voice recordings. Life is short...spread love and kindness. XO


  1. Hi Susie - it’s good to hear from you.
    Thank you for your prayers.

    Those clouds are gorgeous and so vast. The second photo looks like the clouds are low - just a few miles overhead. Really neat.
    I didn’t do any gardening this year - we put in rocks in the areas that used to be overrun with weeds and that really was a blessing this spring not having unsightly weeds to pull.
    In turn I also will include you in my prayers. I’m glad you have 2 friends you can go to the American Legion with.
    Take care of yourself and God Bless you!

    1. Thank you Debby. Lots of times I get on here to read about my blog family, but do not post myself. I want to be involved, but taking care of the house inside and out is a real challenge at this time in my life. Plus I was to go with my new found friends to little social events. I had been staying in the house way too long. Stay cool if you can these next few days, we are in for a scorcher. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. A hug. Always important to remember these things and cherish good memories.

    1. Hi Sandi, When I go back into my childhood memories, I could dwell on all the heart aches, but I want to bring funny or happier times to mind. Blessings to you. xoxo,Susie

  3. Oh Susie, my heart just jumps for joy when I see you on my sidebar. I'm really slowing down in the area of blogging, but always check in on friends. I loved your pictures and the activities you are doing with your friends. That is so good! Wow, yard work never ends when you own your home. We have maintence crews that keep our Complex looking lovely all the time. So glad, as neither one of us could do hard labor anymore. I often wonder what I will do if my dearest goes first. Of course with all the children, grandchildren and greats, I'm sure most of my time would be with them. With my caregiving, now I just long for a day at the beach with a umbrella and book!!
    Sending lots of love and hugs. Thank you for your prayers and blessings...they mean a lot!!

    1. Sweet Wanda, Thank you for enjoying what I might write. It's hard to have exciting things to write about at time. Oh yes, I do not want anymore of those exciting mulch adventures. LOL Do you remember seeing young boys going around neighborhood wanting to mow lawns? Now they come with big trailers full of monster mowers, almost too big for some yards. I thought about my sister friends I go bingo's as if we are back to being neighbor kids playing again. Take care and hold your Don so tight. Blessings, love you, xoxo, Susie


    1. Hi Jack, You and your sweetheart are in my prayers. My arms and fingers are extra long now from pulling the mulch bags around, and all my joints hurt. Enough of that, it's way too much like work. I have to remember I am retired. :):) Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  5. I just thought I'd check and see if you would written anything lately and lo and behold you have. The dog days of summer are going to be much longer from now on I bele we are in the 90s this week and next week as well. Not fun!
    Either is spreading mulch..Yuk!!!1
    Too hot to be doing any of that right now. I couldn't do it anyhow.
    I live in a retirement community and needless to say I am surrounded by widows. Fun group though.. Glad you are getting out... It's important. Hope all is well. Hugs

    1. Thank you Missy. Many times I would love to make a post but I also like to have new pictures and this old computer is making me crazy at times. When I have yard work, I go at it early before the heavy heat of the day. I water the plants early and everyday in this wind and heat. I have enjoyed being with ladies who know what we all go thru losing our loved ones. I live back in town since Ted passed and it's nothing like I thought it would be. I miss the farm house and quiet. Blessings, stay cool, xoxo, Susie

  6. The clouds are gorgeous and puffy. Oy, the mulch! Maybe use a wheelbarrow? Take care of your back!!

    1. LOL I have been using a wheelbarrow. It's getting the bags into it. So I cut them open on the garage floor and scoop the mulch in...takes longer. I have 3 bags to finish off but the temps have been too high. Hope all is well where you are. Please stay cool. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  7. Hi sweet Susie, I'm happy to read that you are staying well, and enjoying life.
    I must admit to smiling when I read you play Bingo and the prizes are cleaning products 😁
    You are staying busy and I'm glad to know it.
    Beautiful clouds, our heat is already intolerable, no telling what August weather will bring !
    Take good care kind lady,

    1. Jo, I know what you are saying about what August might bring . I tell my bingo pals...I am not choosing food products at bingo cause I do not want to cook and there's no way I am picking out a piece of ceramic decor... cause I hate dusting more than cooking. But I will scrub a house top to bottom. :) Blessings stay in the cool shade my friend. xoxo, Susie

  8. Blue skies, puffy white clouds and farm silos, I asked you what's more Indiana than that. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos. God bless you Susie :)

    1. Thank you so much Connie. I like seeing the farm aspects of our community here. Hope we can keep it that way. I know you must be gardening, you are so very good at that. My daughter is a wonderful gardener...I had no idea she would love gardening when she was little or I might have let her dig up the whole backyard. Take care stay safe. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  9. hi susie, i always enjoy seeing you!! the skies are so pretty, i photograph the clouds all the time, just yesterday in fact!! gorgeous picture of the monarch...stop...i went and hugged chuck, i told him i love him. you are so right, it is so important. you last paragraph is so poignant!!

    1. Debbie, I think you and your husband do many fun things together and truly enjoy each other's company. Loving should be easy, even if life isn't. When we are young I do not think we realize how important our kindnesses are to those closest to us. maybe and hopefully it's true that with age comes wisdom...another reason to life a long time. LOL. Blessings my sweet butterfly friend, xoxo, Susie

  10. Have a blessed day. Going to hug my kids right now. 🙂
