Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday Is Better....

  Apple blossoms on the neighbor's  trees. Sorry this is blurring.  I love apple blossoms. Well my goodness, I think I am becoming more and more like my mother. Do any of you find yourself becoming like your moms? :)  My mom loved every flowering tree she saw.

  This is our flowering plum bush. I love the burgundy leaves and delicate pink flowers. I do not find a lot of fragrance in this flower.  I like having  bright limey greens, dark greens, and burgundy colors throughout our yard. So when there is no flowers, you can still have color.
    Thank you dear friends , for all the prayers for Ted's brother Ray. He will be getting a new biopsy on Monday. We have been visiting him at the hospital. He looked better last evening, I think because he had finally had some rest. He said the pain has kept him restless and unable to sleep.
    Wishing you a beautiful Sunday. XO


  1. I bet the smell is lovely! Prayers for Ray...

    1. Thank you so much for the prayers. We surely need them. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. Beautiful. Love the Spring when the flowering trees are blooming. Glad to hear Ray is doing a little better.

    1. Kris, I just love driving along and seeing all the flowering trees in yards, or along the edge of woods. It was good to know that Ray did rest during the night. I don't mind saying, I am so scared for him. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. Nothing like the sweet scent of spring! Praying for good news about Ray.


    1. Thank you Nancy. Tomorrow will be more information on Ray's cancer and where it may have spread. I hope he'll be able to enjoy some spring with us. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  4. I need to go back and read about Ray. God bless him and you all as you go through this though.

    I am more like my Dad than my mother, I think. xo Diana

    1. Diana, Thank you for the know we need them for they are our lick to God. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  5. Pretty photos. Thinking of you and your family. xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Japolina. It's good to have people thinking good thoughts for us right now. Bless you, xoxo,Susie

  6. OMYGOODNESS..sometimes, I see myself in the mirror and think..." that my MOM?" hahhaa...and yes, I do indeed find myself saying and acting just like her. bwaaaa..i miss her so much....

    1. Bj, I miss my mom too. She could make me crazy at times...the woman had ahead like a rock (hard) thank goodness she could also have a soft heart. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  7. Oh yes, you betcha! I know I'm like my Mom. I love and enjoy flowers and blossoming trees and appreciate all the beauty of God's creation.

    I'm glad Ray had some rest. I hope that continues.

    1. Nonnie, That is how I am starting be like my mom...wanting to see all the flowers and then wanting them. LOL. I hope we get some hopeful news this week on Ted's brother Ray..he is to have anew biopsy Monday. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  8. Yes, I really do think sometimes that I'm just like my mom. I find myself saying the same things and I cook just like she did, too.
    I pray that Ray will get good reports! Take care and enjoy this beautiful spring day.

    1. Cheryl, The older I get, the more I even look like my mom.:):) Thank you for the prayers for Ray. He is such a kind person...I feel so badly for him. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  9. Glad there was some improvement with Ray. I love Apple Blossoms, In fact one of my watercolors is of Apple Blossoms. Flowers are a blessing from the Lord.

    1. Wanda, When I see flowers, I some times say, "thank you God." is a gift. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  10. Continued prayers for Ray. Your blossoms are so pretty. I wish you a restful evening.

    1. Thank you Mildred. Prayers are always welcome. :) Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  11. I find that the older I get, the more I think I am like my Mother. Usually, I feel that is a compliment. When igo to visit my sister in the town we grew up in, I run into so many and they always say - oh you remind us so much of your Mother. And I always say - thank you.

    Love all the pretty flowering trees.

    Glad Ray is improving.


    1. Judy, I too see people that are so similar to their parents. Even men can look like their fathers. We love our moms, don't we? Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  12. Beautiful colors of spring! Glad to hear that Ray was feeling more rested today! Sending prayers! Blessings, Cindy

    1. Thank you so much Cindy. Your prayers are appreciated by Ray and our family. I think we may start having spring for real this week. Each day the temperature is to rise by a degree or two. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  13. Oh Susie, you certainly have my prayers for Ray. Cancer is such an ugly disease... I'm so sorry.

    Yes, I do see my mother in my thoughts and actions! I always say, I am my mother!! smile...


    1. Gert, I thank you for your prayers and kind thoughts. Cancer is an extremely ugly disease. There is just so much a person can to try to keep from getting it...then you never know, because of the many different kinds out there.
      I have loved reading how some think they are exactly like their moms. Some in ways and others in looks and actions too. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  14. I was going to blog but I feel funny about writing some pointless meanderings but then again maybe it will take my mind off of Beth. I know your family is going through a troubling time and I hope his fortunes change for the better.

    1. Boston Boy, I blogged even when my own brother was so sick and then passed. It's almost like therapeutic . Many people suffer as we suffer...same pain and broken hearts, the same sense of loss. Maybe some can offer kind words to help. I wish I could give you a hug Paul...I know that Beth Marie was a dear friend to you. She cared about your friendship too. Blessing to you, xoxo,Susie

  15. Susie, I didn't know about Ted's brother. I will read the previous post after.

    Yes, I find that I am just like my mom in many ways as I get older......and when I used to sigh about it, now I am so glad because she was a good woman. I really miss that funky girl sometimes. :~)

    love, ~Sheri
