Sunday, March 4, 2018

I Got The Sun....

 In the morning. This big orange ball was just coming thru the trees on Saturday morning. Love it.
The moon at night !!   Granddaughter Savannah text me to go outside on Friday night and look at the moon. That made me smile. I want my children and grandchildren to love the sun , moon and earth, as I do.  We are into our third day of sunshine. It's warmer today also.

  This is Dr. Donald Norman. He is contracted to Aetna insurance.  Our new retiree insurance coverage  He came to our home to do a full health evaluation on me. What? Crazy ! I asked why of course, when the lady called to schedule this meeting. Just random. They said.  I told the Dr. I was taking his picture for my protection.
 He said that's very good. Ted was here also.  The Dr. checked my blood pressure three times after I did some moderate exercises. Checked my memory skills. Checked my reflexes. Checked my heart beat and pulse.  Asked about a hundred questions. Then weighted me. I told him not to look. He said he had too, but would not yell out what I weighed. :):) Then he tells me the things I need to talk with my doctor about. Tests I should have done. All this for my health insurance.  He said I was in very good health. Glad that's over though.
  I will tell you a few things he advised. Even though, I do these things on my own.  Always hold the rails when going up and down stairs if carrying anything.  Never use throw rugs that would slip. Use a  light when getting out of bed in the dark.  He said trips and falls can happen to anyone , especially older people. Said we are all just one fall from being hurt. So I am passing this on to you. Be safe always. XO


  1. Glad everything checked out ok. Yes, be careful of throw rugs we make sure we always get the ones with rubber skid on the back.

    1. Lisa, I have those kind of rugs also. But if any should become a tripping hazard then I would just get rid of it. Hope all is well there. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. I tend to trip on the carpet more than throw rugs. LOL

    xo Laura

    1. Laura, It's hard to decide what shoes to wear sometimes. I have osme great house slippers but their bottoms are a bit slick , so I don't wear them out of my bedroom. Br safe. I actually watch my feet when walking on some of the sidewalks in town. Too many toe trippers. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. A doctor coming to your house? Glad everything checked out OK for your health insurance. Having insurance is a pain but we all need it.

    1. Kathy, That shocked me too, a dr. coming to my house to check me out. It mostly seemed to be checking for reflexes and memory. I was glad it was good news. :) Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  4. I have fallen flat on my back twice in the last year. There is a slick spot on the downstairs floor and I also almost fell twice this weekend. I fell forward on my face a couple of years ago, and when we were in Greece, I fell off a curb and sprained my ankle. The ship doctor gave me the last boot because so many ladies had fallen during our trip. So, word to the wise. Be safe. We do fall. I'm glad you're healthy, Susie.

    1. Nonnie, I would have that slick spot changed, too dangerous. My gosh,that's scary falling while on vacation. The dr. seemed to check lots for memory and reflexes. He also checked my 3 meds and my vitamins. I also take krill oil , fiber gummies, and co-q 10. Glad you did not get seriously hurt with your falls. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  5. I'm glad you're in good health Suzie.
    We came through the storm well around here but 5 or 6 miles from here along the coast was a different story.

    1. Boston Boy, that sounds very lucky you did lose your power. I have seen some of the destruction on the news. Our country has had awful storm damage throughout the past winter. Hope our spring comes and calms it all down. Although it's usually storm time thru March and April. Yes, thank you, I was happy to get a good report. That dr. evaluation was a random name picked from the Aetna insurance hat. But hey I am healthy, that's good news. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    2. did not lose power...sorry.

  6. Goodness! Aren't you special getting an evaluation like that??
    I'm seriously glad you are in good health!! Life is so much easier when you have your health! We have much to be thankful for!

    1. Linda, If I had not been raised rough and worked hard, I would probably be a bit weakly. I will try my best to lose some weight , so I can live a much longer life. :) Blessings to, xoxo, Susie

  7. glad the doctor home visit thing is over with, yay! I love your moon picture, so pretty. I'ts been so big and clear and bright the past few nights! Oh....and I loved Layla's b/day cake and she likes the same dolls and dresses our little granddaughter does.

    1. Oh Debbi, I bet you are seeing some lovely moon views there. I love watching the moon, stars and skies. Layla cake is a special one her mom makes for family birthdays. Ice cream cakes. So tasty. Don't you love little princesses. All little girls want to be one. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  8. Those are good safety tips, I have learned the hard way. Nice that you didn't have to go to a crowded doctor office with the flu going around.

    1. Karen, I did not chose for the dr. to come here. The insurance company just picked my name at random and sent him here. But it was good to get a check up and be told I was in good health. I also thought those tips were helpful. I think falls are more apt to happen to older it's good to take precautions. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  9. I'm glad you were ok Susie! Wishing you a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you Pilar. It was good to get a good report...since I did not ask the dr. to come here. he was sent by the insurance company. My name chosen at random. That's the crazy part. Hope your week is a great one too. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  10. I'm glad it's warming up in your area, Susie. I know how cold it's been for you. Love the picture of the sun shining through the trees. It was starting to get warm here, and then it rained a lot! Now, I think it will warm up again. That was nice of Savannah to remind you to check out the moon. It sounds like you passed your love of the sun and skies and moon on to your grandkids, how wonderful. : )

    love, ~Sheri

    1. Sheri, The sun and moon have been so nice the past weekend. Today a bit chilly and will be cold again for a bit...but spring is 15 days away. Robins are here and singing, so nice. Congrats on the new baby girl in your future. Blessings to all, love, xoxo, Susie

  11. This is real. My mom gets the same kind of service through her insurance too. They send out a nurse practitioner to check up on her. The insurance companies are finding this to be a good preventative way of keeping seniors out of the ER's. If they check on them they can catch things before the end up in the ER or hospital. This seems to be a new trend for insurance companies. That sunrise is gorgeous. Happy New Week.

    1. Kris, That Dr. did explain that it would be easier to fight something that needs attention now at my age than to wait till I am much older. I was not willing to do this really...but then afterwards I was glad it happened. Stay warm, looks like more cold for us for a bit. Then , "come on warm sweet springtime". LOL Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  12. I also passed along my love for sunsets, sunrises, full moons, etc to my children. I can't believe some people don't even notice them!
    I'm glad you got a good health report. And his advice is right on, too. They say most accidents happen in the home, so I try to be careful when going down the stairs and watch for tripping, etc. I'm rather prone to tripping and fell in JCPenney's once by tripping over a crack in the floor. I wasn't hurt, just glad a lot of people weren't around to see it. lol! Have a nice week!

    1. Cheryl, I am glad you are somewhat like me. I love for young people to love the sun, moon, and will keep them interested in science. Gosh, if I fell in a store and anyone saw, I would lie there till help came. LOL. That Dr. said going down stairs carrying anything without watching our step would be very dangerous. I am always kidding Ted about coming in one day and finding me, just a big greasy spot, at the bottom of the basement stairs. I have been wanting to move back to town and into a one story home. I have to go to the basement to do laundry...which means many steps as it is too boring down there to wait for the cycles to finish. LOL. Stay sure footed. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  13. Great news that you are a healthy person, with great energy levels too :)
    Thank you for sharing the safety tips, I follow many of those right now, after trial and error falls.
    Beautiful sun and moon shots, our sun today was huge, but not for much longer, snow flurries on the horizon....

    1. Jo, I always use the handrail going down to the basement. Too scary not to. When it's slick out, I scoot my feet . LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  14. I love your moon pics. Do you need a zoom lens for them? I'm more about the setting sun, and first moon sighting. I'm not a morning person and the sun coming up is usually a sign to close the blinds for more zzzzzz's!!

    The exam sounds like it as quite painless and I'd be so comfortable in my own home. I agree about being careful with falls. I watch the babies fall, bounce back up, and waddle away. We are not like that. I know from my back, that I don't want to sit on the sidelines watching my family dance. I HAVE to get it together.

    Thanks for your visit and sweet comments. I so adore you!! :)

    Jane x

    1. Blondie, I have been using my camera for pictures. My big fancy camera does need a zoom lens . I was kind of ok after the Dr. did his tests and talked about things I need to speak to my primary dr. about.
      It's so cold today. Ready for warmer days ...soon too. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  15. Don't you hate it when they say things that insinuate that you're in the 'older' category?! LOL I learned to hold onto the railing when going down the stairs because Tommy loves suddenly showing up and zipping past me. He nearly knocked me over as I was carrying laundry down one day. And btw, I hate those tests too, and I'm way overdue for most of the medical tests. :-( Hope you have a good Wednesday. Love the sun and moon photos. xo

    1. Judy, I never really thought I would be this old this fast. LOL. I try to stay healthy and strong. I am disappointed in my weight right now. Oh that Dr. who out weighed me by 60 pounds told me I needed to lose some weight. LOL. I know exactly what you are saying about the cat flying past your feet so fast...our cat Zoey used to do that to me. That is dangerous. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  16. I am always aware of falling..which I sure don't want to do. I have little lamps throughout our house that stay on all night. I've never liked a totally dark room....(not scared..just a sissy) :)

    1. BJ, I had a broken leg once and told my kids to just shoot me if I ever did that again. LOL. I had a walking cast with it and it weighed a ton , I had to crawl to the toilet when I first got that thing. Too much pain. I like little lights throughout our house too. Stay safe. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  17. Thanks for advise, Susie. I have a rug in the bathroom that I just love. It doesn't slip but I have tripped over the corners. Everytime that happens I think about falling, but I haven't taken it up yet. I guess I don't want to admit to being "elderly"!! Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

    1. Judy, Throw that rug out honey and get one of those rubber back ones. Please be safe. My daughter had a living room rug that curled at the corner. I told her to put a chair or table on that risky of making someone fall. I was older than the Dr. He told me I was to talk to my own doctor about getting some tests done. Colonoscopy..ewweee. Pelvic, not so much for a pap smear as for a general pelvic exam. Blessings , xoxo, Susie

  18. Wow, that's nice that a doctor made a home visit. I sure hope you've warmed up some but I bet not since winter doesn't want to turn loose. We've had snow showers all day. March is the month that can't make up its mind. Take care. Hugs and love.xo

  19. Balance and strength are most important - I love Yoga for that. Blessings ♥
