Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Pat's........

This is my only saint patty's day decor.  Ted has been making these wooden platters. We are calling them bread platters. I'll post this week , some of the things he has made for the Farmer's Market, coming up at the end of next month. That Ted is one happy man while he's making saw dust.:):)
 Now he has even found a way to recycle the saw dust. If no walnut is in it can be put into compost , in moderation. He can make fire starters with it now.  You pack saw dust into a bathroom dixie cup, then drizzle canning wax in it. This is way cheaper than buying fire starters. I tell you, that man is handier than a shirt pocket. :):)


  1. 'appy St. Paddy's Day, Lass! Love the bread platter. What is it about saw dust that men love so much? Brings out the creative little boy in them, I guess. Have a great green day! -- Jan

  2. The bread platter is gorgeous! What a talented guy Ted is!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  3. That bread platter is beautiful and I love how talented your hubby is...and how much you appreciate his talent- xo Diana

  4. How lucky to have your Fred make the wooden platters and this one looks great with your plant pot and little bird. Happy St. Pat's to you too!

  5. oh my gosh my husband did the same thing!!When he was wood working, when we lived in the house, I love your touch of the green, thats a lovely plate, Happy St. Paddy;s Day to you and your clever hubby!!The platters are beautiful, true treasures,

  6. Y'all are so clever!!! Don't you just LOVE using things UP? You have a very HANDY man! But then, you already KNOW that!! Happy St. Pat's! I didn't decorate but I will wear a green shirt this afternoon on my drive back down to Houston! Just in case! NO pinching!

  7. I love that bread plate! Does Ted have an Etsy shop, or does he sell them locally?

    I hope you have had a good St. Patrick's Day!

    xo Nellie

  8. Oh you are so funny! I have never heard the one about the shirt pocket!! lol My Tom and I both sat here and laughed!

    Ted is so gifted...tell him what a beautiful job he did.

    Happy St Patty,s day!

  9. Love the bread platter!
    Happy St Paddy's Day to you!

  10. Hooray for recycling saw dust.

    Woodworking is great. Husband has been one, all his life.

    But saw dust on the garage/shop floor, can get tracked in the house. Eeeeek! -grin- Gather it up and use it some way.


  11. "Handier than a shirt pocket!" I love that. I'll have to remember that one for my husband and sons as they all are so handy too. Right now they're inside here painting!

  12. If you can't be handsome be handy...isnt that what Ted always says.
