Tuesday, May 5, 2015


  Yesterday morning, started out so pretty . It started out rather nice, no worries. I called to check on my daughter. She is doing well and feeling fine. She didn't once try to clear her throat while talking to me, that is  what she would do  because of the thyroid being enlarged.  Then I called Ted's brother Ray, He was scheduled for a procedure at 2:00.  He had slept 9 hours, felt very rested. So it was time for my day to begin.
   I drove to CVS for my reflux meds. Then was on my way to my dentist office to make an appointment. My cell phone was ringing, most times I never hear it in my purse. So I park and answer it. It's my sister Pam telling me our sister Barb is in the hospital. Barb is our younger sister. She has had a stroke. I just go on home, waiting for word from her husband.
   When I get home, I call my doctor , still no results from my blood work. Make a dentist appointment for Wednesday.  Sister Pam calls , says Barb's stroke was called a mini stroke and no damage.  So thankful .  Pam will spend today with me and we will call Barb.  I am praying for all to be healthy.
  Oh in case you are wondering, I checked on the baby robins. It rained and stormed in the evening.  I tapped  the side of the house and the babies raised their heads. :) Mouths wide open , of course.  Hope things are going smoothly at your house.   XO


  1. Praying that everyone will be healthy too!!

    1. Thank you so much Deb. I usually do well not worrying so much, but so much at once..it's hard to release it all. Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie

  2. You have had way more than your share of worries. I will pray for everyone's fast recovery. xo Laura

    1. Thank you Laura. It's been a head spinning couple days. Bless you, xoxo,Susie

  3. Oh Susie, no wonder you are worried! Thankful your sister is okay. Praying for all of you and sending you blessings.

    1. Nancy, Thank you. We sure needed the prayers and I so appreciate them. xoxo, Susie

  4. Susie, what a scare that must have given you. So sorry to hear about Barb's stroke. My mom had a mini stroke too, and recovered from it. I do hope that your sister is doing ok, Susie.

    I can't wait to see your post below about the baby robins. They are precious to me, and such a wonderful brave bird.

    love, ~Sheri

    1. Hi Sheri, Since my brother just passed from all the strokes he had this with my sister did scare me. I try my best to give my worry to God. It's not always easy. The baby robins are doing well...I am thankful for that too. Bless you honey, xoxo,Susie

  5. Hi Susie,
    Just a hug and prayers that everyone will begin to feel much better and you will have better health news all around. Glad the baby robins are doing great.

    1. Kris...seeing those robins gave me much hope for my sister...you know that song of God's eye on the sparrow, so I know he watches me...then I know he watches my sister. Thank you for the hug and prayers. xoxo,Susie

  6. So much is happening with you! Prayers for your sister's recovery.

    1. Kathy, I so appreciate your prayers , I need them. Thank you for your kindness. xoxo,Susie

  7. Oh my goodness, Susie.....I am so sorry for your worries. I need to start praying for you and your family right away. I have been down state with my family so much, I have been missing visiting with my blog friends. I should keep up better than this!! I hope things improve for all of you soon!
    All my love to you, sweet girl.

    1. Debbie, It seemed that so much came at once. That can cause my head to spin. I am just thankful for a loving God and great caring friends. Your prayers have helped us. Love you too, Susie

  8. Sending my thoughts and prayers to you and your family members. You definitely have a lot on your mind. xo Nellie

    1. Nellie, I can tell you I would not pass a test at this time...my head is spinning. I try to prayer and then ask God to take my cares and help me . I hope he knows I did get my mom's big old worry gene. LOL. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  9. I'll keep your sister in my prayers...must have been very scary after losing your brother so recently...xoxo

    1. Linda, It was so scary...like you said so soon after the passing of our brother. Then to find out Ted's brother has terminal cancer, that kind of crushed me. I am thankful for our Lord's love... I pray and let him help me carry the worry. Bless you honey, Susie

  10. I'll keeping you and your family in my prayers, for sure,, take care,

    1. Thank you so much Laurie, My sister is happy to have prayers on her side. So am I. All prayers ar appreciated. xoxo,Susie

  11. Your flowers are so beautiful! What a time for you! My prayers are with you, and that you sister will be okay. But, so glad your daughter is doing better!


    1. Thank you Gert. It's been hectic. I try to check on everyone. To see where I may be needed. I am ready for some calm days. Hope you and Tom got your Car fixed. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  12. You sure have a lot going on. I hope all recover.
