Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Classmates At Breakfast.....

Here's a couple of bad photos from our classmate breakfast...just some of the ladies. Toni brings her granddaughter. She is so well behaved and sweet.  The cutest face and blond curls. We always have some good laughs. But one of the ladies pointed out that 18 from our class have passed on. Gee, that's a downer. So I remind them," let's enjoy our lifes while we can." We have been trying to have a get together once a month. I hope that all of you can find times for being with friends. We love our families , but we also need friends.


  1. sadly i have not kept up with my classmates but luckily i do have lots of friends, just no old ones! well not age, you know!

    smiles, bee

  2. Very wise words, we should make the most of every minute.

  3. How wonderful that you can all get together like this. I live so far from my childhood home and have never been able to attend a class reunion. There were only 37 kids in my whole graduating class and 7 of them have passed away. Life just keeps moving us along, doesn't it? You are right- we need to enjoy every moment we can. xo Diana

  4. I think that you, Lisa and I are on the same wave length right now. I totally agree with you on this. My high school class reunion...along with all the other this Sat. My daughter reminded me that I really should attend as "we never know when we might not see them again". So true, huh?

    Hope you're having a wonderful week!

  5. That is such a neat thing to be able to stay connected..I would really love doing that..

  6. A beautiful touching post. Thank you for sharing. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  7. How delightful!
    I also enjoyed your "in touch with art" moments with Emma. She is a darling and very talented!

  8. I agree. We all need to stop and enjoy one another on occasion!

  9. I agree with you 100%. Enjoy people while you can. My Mom has lost several of her friends over the last few years. It's been hard. I get together with some people I used to work with once a month and really enjoy it.

    Cindy Bee
