Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Poor Baby....

Here a baby killdeer. I don't know if he was trying to learn to fly or if he was here by some accident. He's So cute though. His parents were flying around calling to him.  I sure hope he got away from here before the nosey neighbor cats came .  My Teddy  says killdeers build their nests in the fields, not trees. So this  fellow came a ways for such a little guy. We love our birds , and go thru a lot of seeds.We finally got some gold finches this past week.I have our hummingbird feeders ready to put out . Can't wait to see them.
     People , I just read where the mild winter has make it an earlier season for ticks, please take precautions.  I want all of you to be extra careful while outside. I sound just like your moms, don't I? :):)


  1. i have never heard of a killdeer. very cute!

    smiles, bee

  2. I love killdeer~it's a sure sign of spring when you see them. I hope that little guy found his home!
    I didn't know that about ticks. Thanks for the info! We do get them from time to time here.

  3. Hi, I'm Joan from Wales I just happened across your blog. So many new things to us! I've never heard of killdeers but I have seen hummingbirds go to the feeders when I was visiting in the States. Goldfinches we do have and I was only saying to my husband the other day that the dandelions are out so the goldfinches would follow and low and behold there they came in their little groups. Fascinating learning about folks from all over the world! Joan

  4. I love the little killdeer-as ground birds though they are not the smartest birds in the world. Mourning doves ae similar.

    I just read about someone in blogland that got Lyme's disease by a tick in her hair! UGH- Good warning, Susie- xo Diana

  5. Thanks Mom! Good shot of the little birdie.

  6. Susie,

    I found a tick on my leg a couple of weeks ago and my Shug found one on him too. And my sister, in another town, has found 9 on her dog already!

    I think I would have put on some gloves, then gently picked up the bird and put it on something off the ground. A tree limb or something. Just to get it away from the cat and other dangers. i hope it made it.

    Cindy Bee
