Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Park Pictures....

Another walk  in the park. It is really looking nice in the park. Our town's parks department is having a scrap metal drive to help raise funds for new play ground equipment. Kids aren't allowed to play on the same things we played on for years. I know it all has to do with safety.  No more head banging heavy wooden swings .  No hot metal slides, preheating in the summer sun. Yikes. Gee it seems a kid can't have any fun.  :):) :)


  1. I am on a local community board that oversees the parks in my city. They were redoing the playground and it was a very complicated and expensive undertaking. Ours is now accessible for kids in wheelchairs and even has elements for blind children to feel! I love the photos!

  2. The park is beautiful, Susie~ A wonderful place for everyone to spend time soaking in the wonders of nature. Beautiful. I hope the fundraising goes well. xo Diana

  3. sometimes I fear govt. I tell you...lovely water way

  4. Love your park..same here, no playground equipment allowed..blessings, Susie
