Monday, July 23, 2012

Black Eyed Susans...

I love these flowers so much. I brought one plant here from our old house in town. It was finally big enough to  split and plant around . With the rains we had last week, they have bloomed.  We do not water the lawn, that would be wasteful, but we do water the flowerbeds and small trees. I am hoping it will be enough to keep them healthy . The hard freeze we had earlier this year was bad for the trees. As hot as it's been this summer,  I had almost forgotten about the cold snap we had in spring.
  I want to thank all my blog pals for all your patience with my poor ability to post blogs. As many of you maybe noticed , I had posted twice yesterday...same blog, well almost. When I clicked publish, my post disappeared  , so I posted again, then there were two. Sorry, I am really trying or my computer is "trying".xo


  1. I love Black Eyed Susan's too Susie. Blogger challenges me too and Joe tires of me fussing about it.

  2. Oh I share your frustration with blogger at times! Your Black Eyed Susans are very pretty. I haven't had any for a while, but looking at these pics, I realise I am missing out.

  3. Your flowers look beautiful.


  4. Love your black-eyed susans. I am glad you are able to water your plants. It is hot and dry here, too- xo Diana

  5. Your flowers are so cheerful! Thanks for sharing the pretty photos.

  6. Hi Susie...just popping in to catch up with you! Emma has the cutest smile!!
    Also I am jealous of your flowers, mine at home look horrible! The kids always forget to water them!

  7. Always enjoy flower photos. I think we all have issues with posting at different times and can appreciate all the work it takes to put out our blogs. Take good care!

  8. Your flowers look so pretty. I think they are such a "happy" flower and well worth your transplanting efforts.

  9. No apologize necessary Susie. We all have our moments. lol! I love Black Eyed's also. I have tons of small one coming up out front this year. When it cools down I am going to move them out back.

  10. Love your Black eyed Susan's they are such a shot in the arm right now with all the heat and lack of rain this summer. Mine are just coming into bloom too, thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog.

  11. Susie,

    Your Black-eyed Susans are so pretty! I'm glad to see they are spreading for you.

  12. Susie,

    Your Black-eyed Susans are so pretty! I'm glad to see they are spreading for you.
