Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hump Day....

Boy am I ever glad it's hump day...that means I only have 3 more Saturdays this week....I am retired you know.  Retirees have 6 Saturdays and one Sunday, in their week. I will be working out in the yard tomorrow. Hopefully I can get some new photos to post...seems I am not going anywhere to take pictures. Not much goes on out here to make a blog about. But I have been doing that for some time. So funny. I probably have the most boring blog. Well my life isn't a blast every day.
 Have you noticed that Nana Diana is back?? Boy I have missed her. She'll start you day off with a laugh usually. We all need to laugh, it's good medicine. Hope all of you had a good day. I got out and away for a bit today. Just tired of chores. Well I think I'll go on the porch and relax for now. xoxo


  1. I'll bet you could find something to take a picture of around there. Being a retired, I am sure you have an imagination...and time to use it.
    I love hump day and I guess I have 6 Saturdays, too. ;) Glad Diana is back at it. She has so much to catch up on!

  2. We did a little yard work early this a.m. It gets hot in the afternoons. Hope you enjoy the evening.

  3. How good that you got out to do something just for you! We all need days like that.

    Yes, isn't it great that Nana Diana is back!

    It felt like the middle of summer here today, and the rest of the week looks like it will be warm as well.

    Have a good night, Susie!

    xo Nellie

  4. Hi Susie, We are retired too but seem to be busier than ever! Is Tipton anywhere near Valparaiso? Nancy

  5. Your blogs are never boring to me.

    I was delighted too to see Diana back!

  6. You have such a delightful blog, Susie. Your posts are real, sincere, and sweet. I really enjoy coming over to visit with you.

    Yes, Diana is a good blog friend, and I'm glad she's back.


  7. You sound like me...if I'm not getting out and taking pictures along the way, I have little to say on my blog. I don't know how some people do it every day.

    Diana just stopped by today...I missed her!


  8. Just have a seat on the porch and take a picture for us of the view!

  9. It is hard at times to find anything you want to blog about!
    I'm glad you're enjoying retirement.
    Doing just what you want is what it's all about.

  10. I don't think I've ever heard the 6 Saturdays but I know it's TRUE! I'm retired and haven't figured out the fine art of taking it easy. I'm not even sure we remember to take Sunday off! lol Enjoy your day my friend!

  11. My Shug tells people I'm retired all the time. I tell him I'm going to get a job so I won't have to work as hard!

    Cindy Bee
