Saturday, July 6, 2013


I have always loved the hydrangea plant.  I have planted a couple before this one and they didn't make it. Shall I tell you, I do not have a green thumb.This plant had a few flower heads last year and is doing nicely this year.  It's planted by the dri-gas tank. We had bricks around it and had to use a few to finish our walkway in the front yard. So I have not re placed the bricks yet. It's a bit untidy right now. I do have another hydrangea plant, that I transplanted into one of the new area, around the flagpole flowerbed..It has not even acted like it wants to grow any flowers. It's is still nice and green, so last night I gave it some miracle's hoping. Emma is here and I have been entertaining her, so I gotta go.Hope you have a great weekend.xo


  1. Love the hydrangea blooms. I've never been successful growing them here. Have a fun time with Emma.

  2. They can take a few years to take off and go. Probably establishing its root system first. Now, between the 5th and 7th year, in the fall, cut it way back, to like 6-8 inches high. It will be leggy by then, but if you do that, it will come back big and full and thick. You've seen mine? I did that at the 5th year, almost killed me to do it, too, but it worked. There is a miracle grow for hydrangea, so they keep their color. Have a good weekend!

  3. Ding-dang Hydrangeas!!!! First year we planted 'em, in front of front patio, they bloooooooomed like crazy. Then they stopped.

    If it wasn't so much work, I'd just dig them out. But it's way too much work for "Uncle A.' to do that. So we just use the green.

    Grrrrrrrrrr... Hydrangeas are a sore subject, around here. LOL!

    Enjoy your Grand!!!!

  4. THAT hydrangea is beautiful, Susie. I hope the Miracle Gro helps. Have fun with Emma- I know you will- xo Diana

  5. Beautiful hydrangea, Susie! Enjoy your time with Emma! xo Nellie

  6. I love hydrangea. My sister's wedding bouquet was just hydrangeas. I wish they would grow down here but it is too hot :(

  7. Hydrangeas flourish here in the south. Like you, I love them - they also make beautiful bouquets!!

  8. Hydrangeas are beautiful. Let's see if the Miracle Grow lives up to it's name! I hope so. I hope so!

  9. It is pretty and looking very healthy. I planted a couple last year, and didn't get any blooms. This year I can see them developing, and am out there every day checking on progress!

  10. I love hydrangeas too! Very much so, I also don't have a green thumb, my husband does, thank goodness!
