Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bring On The Mammogram....

Today, I went to a dentist in Indianapolis. He was to find my sensitivity problem and take care of it. Well he did. He put ice on all the teeth in that area. Hit each tooth, pushed on each tooth. Then he said, let's wait a few minutes and I try another cold test. I close my eyes , so I never saw where the cold came from, it was like a super cold...maybe a chemical..heck, I do not know. Well I just about came out of the chair. To top things off...it was not even a tooth that I thought could be having trouble. It was my back molar. There was three roots in it...making it a three root canal job.
 I go crazy just hearing the drill. So there is no relaxing, not for me.The dentist and his assistant were so gentle.....but it's still a root canal. My jaw hurt from just holding my mouth open. I took 2 tylenals, right after...have to take 2 more at 3:30.I will hurt for today but should be fine tomorrow.  I have had root canals before, but never one that took this long ....that's why I say, come Friday my mammogram will be a breeze....Thank you to all who sent me good wishes to survive this. :):)


  1. I am thankful that he could figure out which tooth and take care of it. I hope the Tylenol will help you to feel better soon. This will be a week you will be glad to see come to an end! Take care.

  2. oh boy, that is nerve wracking, I know it oesn't hurt but I agree, the rill makes us so uneasy we ache from being all tensed up.darn teeth, they hurt coming in and then they hurt when we are older, we just cannot win, take care my friend

  3. This comment is coming from a woman very familiar with root canals! (or as my dentist likes to call it, 'nerve treatment.' More euphemisms!) They're horrid. I hope the pain settles down. There's nothing worse than tooth pain. Hoping the mammogram is uneventful with good results, Susie. xo

  4. I'd rather have my boobs squeezed any day than have a root canal. Glad it's over and now you can get to feeling better. What a day you've had!

    1. I always tell my girls, I go for a mammogram a 36c and come out a 36long. :)xo,Susie

  5. Wow, I've never had a root canal so I have no idea, but I am needing to make an appointment for a new crown. I've so much going on that I've put off doing it. I'm not in any pain, but really need to get it done before I start having pain. I haven't had a tooth ace in over thirty years and I don't want one now :)
    Keep smiling.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)
    P.S. Do you know any Woodworths?
    I know that I have relatives somewhere around Tipton.

    1. Sorry Connie, I don't find that name familiar. I know some Woodruffs. If you ever come to Tipton let me know..I meet up with you, we'll go to Horton's. xo,Susie

  6. Oh my! I am so glad that you got this over with, though. And he found the right tooth. Hang in there and I will pray for you tonight. Hope you are much better by morning! You will be able to get ice cream after the squeeze job!

    1. Thank you for prayers Tete...I'll take all I can get. xo,Susie

  7. What an ordeal! Of course, it is a relief to have the problem taken care of so you should have no more issues with it. Already had that mammo a week ago. Will think of you Friday! xo Nellie

  8. I had my mammo two weeks ago, my pap today, my teeth are getting cleaned tomorrow, going Thursday about my hip pain....Good Lord I'm only 55!!! And a winter storm coming tonight. Can't wait until next weekend....Florida here I come!!!!

    Cindy Bee

  9. I hate going to the dentist. I'd rather have the mamo....hah. Good luck with that. I hope the Tylenol helps with the pain fro the root canal. I canjust feel that cold on my teeth, yikes.

  10. This is your week for tests and probing..Hope all is well..

  11. Poor Susie. I hope you feel better

  12. Oh Susie, I am so sorry to hear this. I guess we all hate dentist...(I really like mine and his assistant but just having someone work on our teeth is never a good feeling..smile.) But a three root canal, that would be terrible!

    Stop over and see that you won a gift!


  13. Bless your HEART!!! That is tough! The dentist is one of the LAST things I ever want to do!! A mammo will be a piece of cake!! At least you are getting it all DONE and it won't be hanging over your head!

  14. Oh bless you dear heart! I've had only one and that one after one failed. I was in pain for weeks. Hope you feel better in the morning. Mamos are never easy for me. Boobs too big, fibrocystic disease. I see a specialist who has a diagnostic machine that makes it easier though.

  15. my heart goes out to you!! I have been having so much dental work done lately and more and more I've come to believe that it is torture. Good thing I don't have any state secrets or I would spill 'em.
    Hope the rest of the week is better, if you can call it that...

  16. Oh, I feel your pain, I HATE dentists...nothing personal, I just remember the pain. Whenever I have any work done I have the nitrous oxide, it does help and I also pray my way through the work.

  17. With all the pain from our tooth plus the thought of root canal, that day must’ve been daunting one for you. Thankfully, your dentist was very gentle during the procedure. Anyway, I hope there weren't any further complications, and that you were able to recover completely soon after.

    Bernadette Blair @ Cheung, DDS
